VHAERUN (the Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night, teh Shadow), Lesser Power, male, CE
Attributes: Thievery, Territory, Dark Elf Males
Chaos, Evil, Travel, Trickery
Symbol: Black half-mask
Typical Worshippers: dark elven males
Preferred Weapon: dagger
Holy Days:

Vhaeraun (Vay-RAWN) is the Power of thievery and the furthering of Dark Elf aims, interests, and power in the surface world. He is also the patron of Dark Elf males opposed to the matriarchy of Lolth, teaching that males are as skilled and valuable as females, and thus passively opposing the teachings of Lolth's priesthood on this point. He believes that Dark Elves should work with the other elven races for common advancement and never associate or trade with duergar, svirfneblin, or other dwarven races. (Humans and halflings can be tolerated.)

Vhaeraun is vain, proud, sometimes haughty, bears grudges of legendary length, and never forgets slights or deceptions. Any underhanded means and treachery is acceptable to him if it furthers his aims or is done in his service-but if others so treat him or his people, it is a deep sin that cannot go unpunished. He actively involves himself in Dark Elf affairs and moderately often sends an avatar to assist the work of his clerics if the proper rituals are performed and the need is genuine.

The shadows of the Masked Lord must cast off the tyranny of the Spider Queen and forcibly reclaim their birthright and rightful place in the Night Above. The existing Dark Elf matriarchies must be smashed, and the warring practices of twisted Lolth done away with so that the Dark Elves are welded into a united people, not a squabbling gaggle of rival Houses, clans, and aims. Vhaeraun will lead his followers into a society where the Ilythiiri once again reign supreme over the other, lesser races, and there is equality between males and females.

Clerics of Vhaeraun must encourage, lead, or aid bands of Dark Elf and allied chaotic evil creatures in thievery and instigate plots, intrigues, and events to continually increase Dark Elf influence and real power in the surface world. They must manipulate trade, creatures, and intrigues designed to lessen the power of and frustrate the plans of Dark Elf clerics (particularly those who serve Lolth), and continually foment rebellion or disobedience among Dark Elf males. Dark Elf thieves in need must be aided (even if female): healed, bailed out of jail, or forcibly rescued. Dark Elf men oppressed or under attack by Dark Elf women must be physically aided in any circumstances. Cruelties against Dark Elf men must be avenged.

Vhaeraun's clergy is nearly exclusively male and practices passive opposition to Lolth's clerics. They are also active in the surface world, and some preach a heresy of the unity of elven races and their need to work together for dominion. They specialize in intrigue, trickery, and treachery and foment disobedience and rebellion among males. In Dark Elf communities, Vhaeraun's priests often disguise their allegiance, for obvious reasons.