VILP-AKF'CHO (Elder Elemental God, the Nameless), Greater Power, n/a, NE
Attributes: Primordial Elder Elemental God
Domains: Darkness, Evil, Knowledge
Symbol: black metal triangle with inverted "Y" inside it
Typical Worshippers: cultists
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

Vilp-akf'cho is also called the "Nameless" whether because his real name is unprouncable or not. This uncaring "lost god" is something of a mystery to say the least. Even the greater creator Powers will not speak to their most senior clerics of it. But it is known to be banished to a unique demiplane, to be constantly struggling for release, and desperate to gain power from rituals and obeisances carried out on Wearth, although it is utterly indifferent to the fates of its servitors. This is an ancient and primordial Power that represents the unknowable power of the universe. The Elder Elemental God is believed to have existed before there were even any of the other Powers, even the so-called "Creator Powers"

Clerics of the Elder Elemental God bend all their being to revering the Power and attempting to locate and enact the rituals which will draw more of his power into Wearth. They make many sacrifices of sentient beings to this end, including members of their own cults and even themselves if this is demanded. They locate lost shrines of the Elder God and cleanse them, rededicating them to the service of the Power. It is unknown which races can become clerics of this deity and which cannot since the Power has no known racial affinities, but certainly humans, Dark Elves, and evil dwarves are known to have become priests. Most clerics of the Elder Elemental God are usually quite insane. The strain of communing with such a Power eventually causes even the most steady of people to become insane. The Elder Elemental God does not seem to care either way.

Clerics may devote themselves to revering all elemental aspects of the Power, or specializing in a single element (thus, revering the element of fire, air, earth or water), and different specialty priests gain slightly different powers. Needless to say, such clerics keep a very low profile, often hiding thier temples in out of the way places, rarely among civilization.