YE'CIND (the Bard), Demi Power, male, CG
Attributes: Music and Magical Songs, Elves
Domains: Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic
Typical Worshippers:
Preferred Weapon: longsword
Holy Days:

Ye'Cind (yee-SIND) was once a skilled elven wizard and master bard. After a flawless performance on his recorder in front of agents of teh Elvish Powers, Corellon Larethian manifested to the musician and offered him the gift of divinity as a reward for his diligence. He accepted and was infused with a spark of Corellon's Power, which changed Ye'Cind so that he was like Corellon himself, with elements both male and female. Ye'Cind is shown as an attractive elf in blue and green, playing a recorder (his holy symbol). Hi sallies include Olidammara, Lydia, and the good Powers of the elves, while he opposes Powers of evil magic.

Music is a mirror of the patterns and energy of the universe. The rush of a waterfall, wind through the trees, the crackle of a fire, and the thunder of an avalanche are all parts of the world's music. It transcends language and race, promoting understanding or inspiring the rage of vengence. Enhanced by magic, a song can alter the world or change the course of history, and tying music and magic together creates something more powerful and fundemental than either alone.

Ye'Cind's clerics are scholars of music. They are conversant in the use of many instruments and many dabble in other sorts of magics. They seek out songs, exotic noises of nature, magical lore, and master performers in the hopes of increasing their musical repertoire and understanding of the chords of magic that exist under the surface of everything in the world. Many are talented songwriters, weaving subtle magic into their words.