YEENOGHU (Demon Lord of Gnolls), Demon Power, male,
CE Attributes: Gnolls, Cannibalism, Undead Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, War Symbol: Three-headed flail Typical Worshippers: Gnolls, ghouls Raiment: Preferred Weapon: flail Holy Days: |
Among the ranks of the Demon Lords, Yeenoghu (yee-NAG-hoo) is one of the most powerful and most feared. He is depicted as a skeletal, furless gnoll, with only a crest of putruid yellow fur, and carries a three-headed flail. He is also called the "Battle Lord" for his cunning in the constant battles for power in the Abyss. He is the patron Power of gnolls, and has strong ties with cannibalism and the undead.