YUTRUS (White Hand, the Unspeaking), Lesser Power, male, NE
Attributes: Silence, Disease, Death, Undead, Orcs
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Pestilence
Symbol: White hand on black background
Typical Worshippers: Orcs, assassins, cultists
Raiment: Bare head, gloves of human or demi-human skin, armor may be skin as well. White clothing preferred.
Preferred Weapon: Mace
Holy Days: Full moon, sacrifice of humans, demi-humans, or humanoids

Yutrus (actually and aspect of Incabulos) is the Orcish Power of decay, and his tribes are among the most feared of all. Yurtrus appears a vast orc covered with tattered, putrescent green flesh, devoid of mouth, and with perfect bone-white hands. Yutrus’ tribes are known for their merciless depredation of the surrounding areas, and for varied and creative deaths they inflict upon their captives. His clerics rarely (sometimes never) speak, and are capable of casting their magics soundlessly - even inside of a circle of silence. Yutrus’ goal is the complete domination of orcs (and eventually all humanoids) on Wearth, and his clerics will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.

Worship of Yutrus is at best tolerated in other tribes - those of Shargas outright forbid his worship. Though Yutrus is an outsider to the orcish pantheon, he brings them power, and more importantly fear. It is not considered safe to murder a cleric of Yutrus, as the White Hand protects his own.