Adventures in the World of Wearth

Site Update History

01-18-2003 Added Game 23 Write-up's
Moved dead characters to Dead Characters site.
11-10-2002 Added Game 22 Write-up
10-09-2002 Added Game 21 Write-up
09-21-2002 Added Game 20 Write-up
08-20-2002 Added Game 19 Write-up, changed PC character sheets to those output by eTools
07-14-2002 Added Game 18 Write-up
07-08-2002 Added Game 17 write-up.
Moved the "deadfiles" to another site as Angelfire now only gives 20 mb free space.
New site is http://www.angelfire/d20/deadfiles/deadfiles.htm
Updated links, removed some stuff from downloads.
06-20-2002 Added Session Sixteen write-up, updated character stats
06-05-2002 Added Session Fifteen write-up, added character pictures.
04-30-2001 Added "Dead Character Files" Section - over 25 years of old D&D character sheets
Updated/added page links to various pages to make navigation easier.
04-23-2002 Added Session Fourteen write-up, updated player "stat blocks", updated NPC listing
03-19-2002 Added Session Thirteen write-up
02-20-2002 Added Session Twelve write-up
01-05-2002 Added Session Eleven write-up
11-13-2001 Added Session Ten write-up, updated player "stat blocks" and NPC listing, add much aditional information regarding the Valley of the Ancients.
11-03-2001 Added Session Nine write-up
10-21-2001 Updated/expanded description of Greenwabs, added time line. Updated/added links.
10-12-2001 Added Session Eight Write-up, updates to NPC listing
05-20-2001 Added Session Seven Write-up, updates to character information
04-22-2001 Added Session Six Write-up
03-22-2001 Added Guestbook, counter, updated characters info
03-20-2001 Added Session Five writeup. Reorganized home page
03-10-2001 Added basic "Stat Blocks" for the player characters
02-18-2001 Added Session Four write-up, other minor changes
02-06-2001 Finsihed updating the Powers of Wearth section with info from LGG
01-20-2001 Re-vamped the Downloads section, added Humor page
01-18-2001 Added Session Three write-up, updated PC and NPC pages
01-04-2001 Major facelift to site, got rid of frames (remembered the 1st rule of web design "Frames Suck")
Started updating description of powers to match the LG Gazetteer
Added "Image Gallery of the Gods"
12-31-2000 Added Session Two write-up
12-10-2000 Moved page to Angelfire. 50 MB free space plus pop-up advertising! What a deal.
Added basic information about the Places of Wearth


Page Last Updated Saturday, January 18, 2003