Castle Losdar

This is Losdar Castle. It belongs to a Battle-Mage named Mortgren Losdar (female). This wizard is a retired adventurer. She was with the adventuring company that included Sir Marius, a Paladin of Heironeous, the monk Atarades of Cudgel and the Druid Itchstar in the Widsith Woods. Besides providing a safe stopping point on the trade routes to the northwest, her men also patrol the plains around the shoreline regularly. Most of her men are either knights or squires from Castle Valor.

Castle_Losdar_Players.gif (86427 bytes)

[1] - Losdar Manor [2] - Stables
[3] - The Pony's Eye Way House [4] - Berfry's Smokehouse
[5] - Blacksmith [6] - Stables
[7] - Horse Trader, Robrick the Lazy [8] - Yanfey's Fine Meats
[9] - Torey's Leather Goods [10] - Brewery, Green Yanatrik
[11] - [12] - Carlen's Dry Goods Shoppe
[13] - [14] - Cobbler
[15] - Shrine to St. Cuthbert [16] -
[17] - Carpenter [18] - Glassblower, Nesedey of Aelfstead


Page Last Updated Sunday, December 03, 2000