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Welcome to the world of the hobbits. The hobbits are about half the size of an average human. The males stand between 2'9" and 3'5" they are round robust little humanoids they weight about 50 to 80 pounds. The female’s stand between 2'8" and 3'3" they weight between 45 pounds and 70 pounds. All of the clans are the same except in the color of their feet they vary in colors this is how they tell the clans apart. There are twelve types of hobbit in this world. They look like a smaller version of a human, except they have hairy feet and smaller hands and such. They have rounder faces then the humans. Now they get a minus one to str, con, end, but they get a plus two to speed and dexterity. They get a plus one to wisdom. Now here are the following clans:

The silver feet: this is the warrior sect of the hobbit world. They have silver colored hair on their feet. Do not mistake their size for being weak. They are neutral in nature.

The gold feet: they are the healer sects of the hobbit world. They are of good nature. They will help all who are in need. This is usually a class that the females use.

The platinum feet: these are the mages of the hobbit world. They are also usually female. You do get a few males. They have platinum colored hair on their feet.

Amber feet clan: these are the shadowlike of the Antarian hobbit world. The thieves. They get a plus one to all thieves’ skills when they begin. For they are natural thieves.

The black feet: these are the nightwalkers of the hobbit clans. They get a plus one to all assassins’ skills to begin. They are small enough so as they are harder to detect. They are natural assassins.

The purple feet: these are the path walkers of the hobbit world. They are the rangers if you will. They get a plus one to all path walker skills. For they live in nature.

Gray feet clan: this is the evil ones they are the arcane mages of the hobbit world. They have a nasty disposition. They usually stick to their own.

The red feet: this is the arcane shaman of the hobbit world. They are mean and nasty too, except to their own kind and their brothers the gray feet.

The yellow feet: this is the commando of the hobbit world. They are specially trained warriors the elite of the elite .in the world of the hobbits.

The brown feet: these are the demolitionists of the hobbit world. If you need something blown up then they are the ones to go too.

The copper feet clan: these are the engineers the builders of the hobbit world. They make fine engineers too.

The blue feet clan: these are the naturalists of the hobbit world. They are the druids if you will. They have blue colored hair on their feet.

The purple feet clan: this is the clan of royalty in which they rule. They land of the hobbits. They are the lords of the hobbit world by birthright they are respected by all.

They hobbits live in rolling hills of. They have built their homes with in the side of the dirt hills. They are finely constructed. They can burrow a tunnel into any soft or hard dirt at the speed as if they were running. They are cunning, and inquisitive creatures. They sometimes let curiosity cloud their judgment. They love all precious metals. Such as gold silver and platinum. They are hearty eaters and drinkers. They are the only race that can put and Antarian dwarf under the table. They are fun loving and good-natured most of them anyway. They are pranksters. They always like a good joke.

For the most part they are friendly but cautious with all that are not hobbit. They are very bright and wise little people. They always have a fable for everything. Fables are how they tell of the hobbit history. Each clan tells the fables differently, but they know one thing for sure blackland is their creator. But they have their own gods and goddesses that they believe in. red vixen is the ruler of all of the deities that they believe in. red also know that blackland is also her creator so that he also created the hobbits.

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