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Page by Devin Goodman
FAQ - March 7, 2002
By Devin Goodman

Well, it being another boring school day, I figured I'd write an article. Due to severe writers block, I present you with the Articles Frequently Asked Questions. Read on for questions that you probably didn't want answers to anyway:

Can anyone write an article
Anyone can write an article in theory, but only a select few can write an article for IPO. Why? Because only those select few are willing to take the time to do so. In short, if you can finish the article, send it in to me via e-mail, either as in-line text, or as an attachment. If you do send it in, remember that I might not post it, for reasons of libel / slander, offensiveness, or being a poor article overall. Remember, if you're bored enough to try this, be creative, at least.

Could anyone join the IPO staff?
This is the staff's job: write articles. So, if you upload articles regularly, I'll put you down in the credits as a staff member. There's no pay involved, because otherwise I'd make money off this site, but you do get bragging rights. Who you'd impress with being a staff member here is a question for another article.

These articles suck, I could write a better one!
Ouch. If anyone is thinking this, it really hurts our feelings. Anyway, if you have an opinion like that, prove it.

Don't you have anything better to do than write an FAQ?
I go to public school. What do you think?

Aren't you going to write a longer article?
Nope, I'm not that bored. ^_^