Kills-Hope's Lair

Kills-Hope's Lair

HTML chat room that these settings were designed for.


Beneath a crumbling and seemingly abandoned house on the Kansas side of Necopolis, Kills-Hope's lair has become the meeting-place of many. Consisting of a vast network of tunnels dug into the ground deep beneath Necropolis, the Lair is a stronghold for the local Black Spiral Dancers and their kin. Each tunnel is large enough to allow a Crinos Garou to walk with ease, and many of the tunnel walls have murals made of sand on them, depicting the deeds of the now-deceaced Elder Spiral Dancer Ahroun, Kills-Hope. The entire warren is lit by glowing fungus and small pools of Balefire. The tunnels are the territory of at least one Spiral Dancer pack, calling itself the Wings of Atrocity, and several refugee Spirals from the destroyed Hive of the Thrashing Elk. They viciously guard the tunnels; Scryer Banes patrol Kills-Hope's Lair constantly, and they report any intruders to the Spiral Dancers immediately. Death is swift for any caught trespassing.

The House

Above-ground, there is the house that Hope built. Circled by a rusted chain-link fence and a parched yard devoid of grass and sporting only a few dammaged and sparse trees, the house is tacked with a "condemned" warning on the broken front door. The house was painted white once... the discolored paint is cracked and peeling. Every window is broken and sloppily boarded shut... inside, the floor is riddled with holes and the walls are caving in... water drips constantly from leaky pipes and the scent of decay and mildew weighs heavily in the air. The basement has the most readily acessible entrance to the tunnels... the house is where Kills-Hope lived, along with his two sons, Benjamin and Zane.

The Basement

In complete contrast to Kills-Hope's house, the basement is clean and well cared for. Three times larger than the house above it, and with a ceiling over fifteen feet above the concrete floor, it is the largest underground area that the Thrashing Elk and Wings of Atrocity can claim as home. Several pieces of nice pale gray furniture are near the door, as well as a row of filing cabinets and closets. A row of Crinos-sized kennels lines the back wall of the basement; each kennel comes complete with Fetish locks. On one side of the room there is a large mirror, and several modern torture devices, and a handy hose, for washing down the floor, which has a few very strategically placed drains for blood and other things. A hidden Balefire furnace is occasionally used to fill the entrances and exits of the basement with Balefire, an effective way to keep outsiders out. Two doors are at opposite ends of the basement... one leads to Kills-Hope's bedroom and the entrance to the tunnel systems, while the other remains locked, never opening for anyone save the master of the Lair, Zane Tynalie, Kills-Hope's heir.

The Boneyard

Almost as big as Kills-Hope's basement, the Boneyard gets it's name from the millions of bones scattered all over the floor. The Boneyard itself is actually a large underground cave, one which wasn't dug by Spiral Dancers, but which occurred naturally. The small pool of dark water seemed like as good a place as any for the Spirals to dump the remains of the carcasses they devoured, and after a hundred years, the bones clogged the small subterranean river, and flooded the Boneyard with two feet of stagnant water. Wading through the slime is difficult enough, but any who try to cross this cave must also deal with the bones, which cover every square inch of the floor. The bones come from many creatures... humans, animals, Garou, and a few other, less identifiable things...

The Cathedral

The name of the Cathedral is misleading... it is a large underground den, where the refugees of the Thrashing Elk usually stay. Somehow, they've managed to get electricity in the Cathedral, and they've set up a few lightbulbs and a space heater. The floor is littered with old blankets and torn sheets, and the entire den smells of must and filth. Still, it is warm and fairly cozy, and there seems to always be food available, thanks to a Fetish cauldron which is always filled with bland but healthful stew of some kind. Even so, many Spiral Dancers tread lightly in this area... Danny Zinkewich and his Thrashing Elk allies do not always welcome visitors, and they like intruders even less...

The Bad Moon Nightclub & Bar

The Bad Moon is a relatively new club in Necropolis. Originally just a little run of the mill bar, it has recently been renovated and partially rebuilt by it's new owner. From the outside, it looks like a sleek black two-story building set in a crummy and mostly abandoned street of old, crumbling buildings. There are no windows to look inside with, only a large gray sign with an image of a full moon in negative on it, with the words "Bad Moon" in blue neon lighting. Two largeish men [both NPC Black Spiral Dancers] stand guard at all times when the club is open; they are there to make certain that no humans are allowed admittance, unless it is by the specific permission of the owner. Other than the few personal friends of the club's owner, only Black Spiral Dancers, Black Spiral Kinfolk, and Sabbat vampires are allowed within.
On the inside, the Club looks as brand new as it is; a dark mahogany bar lines the western wall, with many, many bottles of any number of fluids on shelves behind it. In the center of the wall behind the bar is a massive skull: an old bull moose. The skull isn't white from being bleached by the sun, but it's reddish gray, and still has dried strips of rotted skin on it. There is a door to oone side of the moose skull, and tacked on the door is a small sign that reads "Employees ONLY." Most of the north wall is lined with booths, not unlike Shadows Bar's. They are upholstered with black leather, and each has a dark blue privacy curtain. Set into the wall of each booth is a glass cage, and within each glass enclosure is a young python. Each cage holds a different kind of python; Children's Pythons, Ball Pythons, Blood Pythons, Burmese Puthons, Reticulated Pythons, Anacondas, and Carpet Pythons. The eastern section of the club is an area designed for either dancing or ritual combat... it all depends. The walls of most of the club are covered by wooden planks painted black, but in the "Arena" as it is called, the wallks are mere concrete, and painted black. It is the only part of the Club that doesn't have a hardwood floor, but is instead hard-packed dirt. The south wall has a large screen TV, usually turned off, plus a jukebox. There is a large sign on the wall in between the jukebox and the TV; the sign lists the rules of the Club. [see below] There are several round tables throughout the room, plus one large rectangular table in the center of the Club. It looks like it belongs in the dining hall of some castle, not a nightclub...
The Rules of the Bad Moon:

  • No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem.
  • No Weaponry Allowed, PERIOD. Please Check all weapons at the front door.
  • No Fighting Outside of the Arena. Violators WILL be thrown out.
  • The Owner Reserves the Right to Add Rules As Needed.

    The Pit

    Set deep within the earth and ringed with Balefire and Wyrm-wood vines, the Pit of the Wyrm's Teeth is inacessible to all save the Black Spiral Dancers. Within the Pit no shouting or loud speech is allowed, only whispers; no light is allowed except the sickly green light from the Balefire. In the center of the small cavern is a ring of stones with many Wyrmish Glyphs upon them. The ground in the center of the stones is stained with old blood from many sacrifices. The walls of the cavern have several pretanic keys scratched into them.

    Black Spiral Dancers ONLY, no others, not even kin, allowed!

    Level 2 Wyrm Caern

    Heads of the Hydra [sept leaders]
    Calamity Wyrm, Beast-of-War - none listed
    Consuming Wyrm, Eater-of-Souls - Zane Tynalie, Homid Theurge
    Defiler Wyrm, the Violating Wyrm - none listed
    Please note: two Heads of the Hydra are open and available. PLEASE apply, we need more Black Spiral Dancer leaders in our Hive!

    Pit Totem spirit: Whipporwill
