Law of the Land

Okay, first off, I'm sorry this took me so long to post online. My delay has already caused problems... I'm fixing it now.

The Law of the Land

OBEY THE LAW! By this, I mean that while in our room, and using our settings, YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY EXPECTED AND REQUIRED TO FOLLOW OUR RULES! Yes, Virginia, now DC is shouting. Why? Because I know someone, somewhere, will break this rule. I don't give a rat's ass if you're approved for the DQ game, or whatever; I really don't care. You cannot enter our room without falling under our rules. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED! This applies to ALL characters, be they Garou, Kinfolk, Vampires, Mages, Wraiths, Changelings, hairless three-headed Bastet abominations, whatever.

Announce Thy Presence. No Tresspassers! This is a HARD AND FAST rule. There are about three dozen Scryer Banes patrolling the area at ALL times, plus roughly fifty Psychomachiae and many Scrags. You're character CANNOT sneak into a room without the already IC characters knowing. OOC-ly, you MUST have permission to be IC in our room, or you must find a legitimate excuse as to why you're character would be there.

Only CONSENTUAL roleplay is allowed. What does that mean? Simple: you cannot force anything. One example is killing another character. You cannot do that, unless you have permission. Example: Gamer A plays a character named Bob. Gamer B plays a character named Smith. Bob decides to kill Smith. Under the Law of Consentual Roleplay, Gamer A must first ask Gamer B ooc-ly if Bob is allowed to kill Smith. If the answer is "yes," then fine. BUT, if the answer is "no," then Gamer A better not let Bob kill Smith, or Gamer A will be banned from our site and game. To clarify, you do not need to ask permission for every little thing... a good rule of thumb is that, if you're going to drastically alter or terminate a character, you need to ask the player's permission... anything else is gravy. Please note that this is also a subjective rule... and ultimately, this rule is in effect for one and only one reason: to make sure everyone has fun. As a recap, here are a few examples of when you should or should not ask OOC permission for IC actions:
You should ask if:'re action will alter or terminate a character. [ie, if you want to kill a character]'re action restricts a character. [ie, if you tie up that character for a long period of time, thus making it impossible for them to go IC elsewhere or to interact with others.]'re action restricts someone's ability to engage in roleplaying. [ie, placing some sort of tracing device on them or having someone or something "follow" them. This is a really iffy one, since the Scryer Banes are used to frequently follow various characters... gamer discretion is advised.]

NEW ADDITION! Okay, this may seem odd, but under the rule of Consentual Roleplay, you cannot force actions that will alter a character without permission, yes? Right, good. It was recently brought to my attention that claiming that another character killed you're character can have results that violate the law of Consentual Roleplay. If you want to kill off a character, ASK someone before you force them to kill you. Common sense here, people. Killing characters works both ways; ask first.

NEW ADDITION! Do NOT use someone else's tag without their permission. I don't care if you're character is using Mask of 1000 faces or what, just don't use someone's tag without asking. Sounds like a no-brainer, yes? Good.

You do NOT have the right to abuse the rules. If you abuse the rules, you remove the right to claim the consentual RP rule. If you blatantly disrespect the high ranking characters or whatever, or act like a total jackass just because you think there is no punishment, WRONG! If you abuse the rules, they will no longer apply to you, and you WILL be banned.

The Golden Rule Applies! Yes, if you feel great desire to play a hairless three-headed Bastet abomination, go right ahead. We won't stop you. Our characters might, though... please use some goddamn common sense. If you walk into the Hive with the aforementioned hairless three-headed Bastet abomination, please expect for other characters to reject you're character and ban him or her from their territory. Technically, you are allowed to play whatever you're sick little mind can come up with, but if it really conflicts with the ideals of the Hive, then don't expect to play you're sick little mind's creation for very long.

ROLEplay, not ROLL play! If someone asks for a dice roll, give it to them. If dice are needed, fine. However, do NOT let dice get in the way of roleplaying. "Freeplay" is allowed and encouraged. A good rule of thumb is to use some common sense... for example, if Bob tries to hit Smith, and Bob has brawl 2 and Smith has dodge 5, then Smith probably dodged.

Experience Points are not Mana from Heaven. You get one, count 'em, ONE experience point for every five hours of in character roleplay. You can spend that point any way you like. Please note that you can cut the costs of things in half or cut the costs entirely if you can find a character willing to teach you're character things... example: Gamer A plays Bob. Gamer B plays Smith. Bob teaches Smith the Rite of Dedication. Because they spent like fifteen minutes of In Character time on it, roleplaying the learning process, Gamer B gets to buy the rite for half the cost.

Renoun and how to earn it. We're not dice intensive, and thus we're not number intensive either. If you think you've earned some Renoun, tell a ranking character why you think you've earned it. Renoun is also relative to how you tell others... if you just say "Yeah, my BSD cub whacked two Gaian Garou." you can't expect as much renoun as someone who says "My character clears his throat and says in a low voice, 'I looked up, and there they were, two Garou, Gaians by the look of 'em. They'd scented me, and I could see it in their eyes that they wanted me dead. So then, I howled to the moon, even though it was daytime, and LUNGED for their throats...'" et cetera et cetera. Renoun is how famous you are among the Garou... so go make a name for yourself, not a list of numbers.

Be ORIGINAL! A no-brainer. Use some creativity... don't play a character named, for example, Anita Blake. If you want to play a character like Anita Blake, fine, but at least come up with you're own damn name. Similarly, don't expect pant-wetting exitement when you show up with, say, Lestat or Vlad. Play you're own creation, you're own character. Impress us.

NEW ADDITION! Do not play a celebrity. I'm not saying you can't play a drummer in a fictional famous band with Fame of 3, I'm saying that Marilyn Manson himself is not likely to walk into Kills-Hope's lair. Do not play already-existing celebrities... it will just make things irritatingly stupid.

If for some reason you fail to understand these rules, or if you have a question/comment/complaint, please use the email link below to alert me. Thank you.
