The Life of a Pet

Zane's life, 6th birthday to 11th birthday; the next five years.

May 15 1986 - May 15 1987 [6]

-Wanting to get away from humans in general, Marcus takes his son north to Cadillac and resides at the Spring Frost Caern. Zane spends most of his time in a small tent in the Bawn of the Caern, being cared for by anyone that will take the time to help him. Marcus has little interest in his son, and rarely speaks to him.

-In a seige against a known Wyrm-Garou stronghold, Marcus is grievously injured and is captured by Spiral Dancers. For roughly eight months, Zane is cared for by a well-meaning but abusive Lupus Garou named Mad Dog. Durring those months, Zane is rarely allowed to speak and is fed only raw meat.

-Marcus is rescued from a Spiral Dancer breeding facility, and is brought back to the Spring Frost.

-Finally taking some interest in Zane, Marcus begins to harass him, trying to get him to retaliate or to somehow show strength. Zane becomes despondent and withdrawn, and refuses to eat altogether. Only severe beatings and force-feeding cause him to react.

May 15 1987 - May 15 1988 [7]

-The Spring Frost elders decide to spread their influence, and Marcus is chosen to help. Twelve Get of Fenris, Marcus inculded, are to go forth and create another Caern, close to the Spring Frost. Marcus chooses an area outside of Muskegon to build the Caern. The twelve Garou bring their families and move to the greater Muskegon area.

-Zane is enrolled in a local public school.

-The Caern of the Jaws of Fenris is built, and although small and relatively low-level, it is the pride and joy of Marcus.

-Zane begins to speak more often. Still, his father sees him as far to weak, and Marcus strives to make Zane into a "respectable young man." When his attempts fail, Zane suffers repeated beatings.

-Three non-Fenrir Garou visit the new Caern; Clear-Sky, a Lupus Silver Fang, who ignores the small human child, Zane; Brings-Hope, a Hakken Shadow Lord Ahroun, who frequently looks at Zane but does not speak to him; and Wings-of-the-Winter, a Child of Gaia Philodox who earns Marcus's enmity when she attempts to comfort Zane after Marcus struck him hard enough to knock the small child out.

-Clear-Sky leaves, claiming there is no room in the small forest and swamp area near the Jaws of Fenris for a Lupus to live happily. Wings-of-the-Winter is thrown out of the Caern for "interfering with private family buisness," and she returns to the Thrashing Elk Caern in Canada to try and rouse a pack to investigate the Jaws of Fenris. Brings-Hope sets up residence in an area of Muskegon known as the "Heights." He proves himself to the local Get of Fenris in battle, and is accepted into the Jaws of Fenris sept.

-Twelve more Feral Psychomachiae are killed; they were found circling Zane from the Umbra, as if able to see him through the Gauntlet. This disturbs Marcus and the Sept Leader, though they take no action.

-Marcus attempts to generate a pack to protect the Jaws of Fenris. The Pack consists of four Garou: Marcus, Brings-Hope, Ulfric, and Dirge-Howler. Zane often tags along with the Pack, even on short excursions into the Umbra.

-Five Feral Psychomachiae are seen following Zane; three are killed, two escape. Zane is beaten and locked in Marcus's basement for two weeks while the Pack scours the area for the source of the Banes.

-Brings-Hope gains permission from Marcus to help take care of Zane.

May 15 1988 - May 15 1989 [8]

-Zane attempts to continue attending school, even though half the time he is either tagging along with his father and Brings-Hope, or is locked in the basement to recover from severe physical abuse. He still refuses to play, a fact which troubles his teacher.

-Marcus, in a fit of anger, burns the small white blanket Zane has had since he was born. In response, Zane becomes terribly depressed, and ceaces to speak altogether. He eats only when forced.

-Several Feral Psychomachiae are reported in the area, and as time goes by, they are spotted more and more frequently.

-Zane's teacher has a local psychologist evaluate Zane; the child is diagnosed with disabling schizophrenia. Marcus threatens to sue the school for "making his son crazy" and is arrested for assault and battery when he slaps Zane's teacher. Zane is placed in a class with other children who have emotional problems or learning disabilities.

-Extensive therapy and attention from teachers and school counselors begins to affect Zane, who turns out to be very intelligent and friendly, merely withdrawn and mentally/emotionally immature. He is also diagnosed with severe clinical depression.

May 15 1989 - May 15 1990 [9]

-Marcus loses custody of Zane when Zane's teachers report that the young boy has been physically abused. Brings-Hope [human name: Dae Song Baek] pulls a few strings and Zane winds up in his care.

-Zane moves in with Brings-Hope, though he spends much time at the Caern and thus still has frequent contact with Marcus.

-Marcus ceaces to have any positive contact with Zane, alternately ignoring or abusing him. Brings-Hope uses Healing gifts to make sure Zane bears no sign of the abuse, and threatens Zane with horrible punishment should he tell anyone about what Marcus and Brings-Hope are doing to him. Zane is easily cowed and agrees to tell no one.

-In an attempt to make Zane more agressive, Marcus attempts to teach him how to fight. Zane refuses to learn, and is severely punished. Brings-Hope offers to teach Zane, and Marcus readily agrees, not wanting to have much of anything to do with the young Zane any longer.

-Brings-Hope begins to teach Zane Tae Kwon Do as a form of self defense. Being infinitely more patient and understanding than Marcus, Brings-Hope succeeds in getting Zane to learn.

-Brings-Hope begins to touch Zane "inappropriately" and encourages the youth to sleep in the same bed with him. Not understanding what is wrong, Zane is more than willing, and enjoys being touched since it doesn't hurt; he submits to Brings-Hope's mild molestation because he simply doesn't understand that it is wrong for men to touch children sexually. To Zane, it's the first sign of affection he's recieved in years.

-Several sightings of Feral Psychomachiae near the Caern causes the Jaws of Fenris to get very nervous; the Garou of the Caern begin to fear assault from the Wyrm.

May 15 1990 - May 15 1991 [10]

-Brings-Hope begins to teach Zane to use weapons; before too long, he has the child wielding knives and small handguns with a degree of accuracy. Brings-Hope also begins to subtley try and bring out pent up anger and fear in Zane, trying to turn him against his father, Marcus. Zane is easily corrupted.

-Zane begins to reciprocate Brings-Hope's "attentions," clinging to him and touching him whenever Brings-Hope allows it. Brings-Hope teaches Zane how to use his hands and mouth to work someone to erection and orgasm, and Zane readily submits to Brings-Hope as often as possible.

-Marcus catches Zane giving oral sex to Brings-Hope, and Frenzies at the thought that his son might be homosexual. Brings-Hope subdues Marcus, and pins him to the ground. He asks Zane to "do him a favor..." Zane agrees and shoots his father in the head four times with a small calibur handgun, killing him. Brings-Hope then reveals himself as Kills-Hope, a Fallen Hakken, and calls his pack of Spiral Dancers to his aid. Kills-Hope and his pack [named the Jagged Tooth] overpower the Garou in the Jaws of Fenris Caern and take them prisoner. Kills-Hope instructs Zane to systematically kill each member of the Gaian Caern. Zane obediently slaughters all eleven captive Garou, using a small skinning knife. He then skins all eleven Garou, wanting their hides as trophies.

-Kills-Hope and his Pack set about corrupting the small Caern, and within 24 hours, the entire area is infested with Feral Psychomachiae. Kills-Hope takes Zane into the Umbra, and once there he discovers that Zane seems to attract them. The Banes swarm Zane, and follow him like dogs following their master.

-Kills-Hope sends out word through all Spiral Dancers under his influence that he wants a live Skindancer brought to him.

-To celebrate the destruction of the Jaws of Fenris Caern, Kills-Hope chains Zane to his bed and analy rapes him. He leaves Zane chained for several days, durring which Kills-Hope molests and rapes him repeatedly. Zane is given enough water to keep from dehydrating, but is otherwise starved durring this time.

-The Jagged Tooth pack convinces Kills-Hope to "share," and Zane is gang-raped by seven Garou for the better part of two days, most of whom choose to mount Zane while in Lupus. Kills-Hope forbids the pack from causing any "real dammage" to Zane; in other words, if Zane winds up with any permanent scars, the Garou that inflicted them will die.

-Kills-Hope finally un-chains Zane and allows him to eat. He then strips Zane of all clothes, straps a dog collar around his neck, and locks him in a large dog kennel in the basement.

-Zane is, by day, allowed to attend school. However, once he is released from school for the day, he returns home to be stripped of clothes and forced to behave like a dog. Often, he is abused, both physically and sexually, by Kills-Hope and his pack.

-Kills-Hope's temper becomes frayed and he is easily angered due to problems between himself and his lover, a Metis Garou named Kuronue Futhark. Kills-Hope often takes out his anger and agressions on Zane.

Click to continue Zane's history
