The Life of a Pet

Zane's life, from 16th birthday to 19th birthday.

May 15 1997 - May 15 1998 [16]

-Kills-Hope and Ben return Zane to the Jagged Tooth pack, and Zane is once again kept in the dog kennel in Kills-Hope's basement.

-Zane is frequently offered a choice: submit sexually to Ben and sleep in his bed in the house, or refuse Ben and sleep on a cement floor in the basement. Zane often chooses to go to Ben.

-Kills-Hope forces Zane to summon a powerful Bane in the hopes that it will agree to become the Jagged Tooth's pack totem spirit. Zane does as told, and summons a corrupted Lion Spirit who calls itself Maneater. The Bane commands the Jagged Tooth to complete an Umbral Quest before it will answer wether or not it will sponsor the pack. Zane agrees, and the Jagged Tooth decides to leave for the Umbra for an extended visit.

-Zane leads the pack through the Near Umbra to an Airt which seems to have come from the Maneater. Seeing it as a possible sign, Zane follows the Airt into the Battleground realm.

-Zane recieves a short vision involving a tightrope walker above a firepit, and he interpreits it carefully. Believing it to be accurate he does his best to keep the Jagged Tooth from straying from the path, which proves difficult when a Mongol Horde attacks. The pack scatters, all but Zane and Ben; Zane refuses to leave the path, and Ben refuses to leave Zane. Between the two, they manage to call the rest of the pack back to the path, and they flee from the attacking Mongols.

-At the first Signpost they reach, Zane pauses to summon his Bane Flock to his aid... nearly thirty Psychomachiae and Feral Psychomachiae rally to his side, plus an odd assortment of Scrags and corrupted Gaian Spirits. After consulting with them, he decides to simply head down paths based on his "gut feeling" about them. He insists on travelling in Lupus, so that he'd have to crane his neck to read the Signposts, making him less likely to be influenced by their words.

-Zane leads the pack through the Battleground realm with minimal conflict with warring spirits. He and the pack arrive at a spiritual replica of a Nazi concentration camp. The Jagged Tooth is overpowered and captured.

-Forced into the concentration camp "showers," the entire pack finds itself transported to Atrocity realm. Zane is horrified by the rampant victimization in Atrocity, and slips into a near catatonic state of emotional shock. Kills-Hope recognises the terrible realm, and knows that there is only one escape from Atrocity: death. Without a word, he commits suicide with a small calibur handgun while the pack watches. Zane flees deeper into Atrocity; the pack scatters.

-For nearly three months, Zane "survives" in Atrocity, feeding on the flesh of dead and decaying humans, and struggling constantly to evade the persecution of Banes and Atrocity Spirits. Over and over, he is victimized and attacked and beaten. For the three months he lives in Atrocity, he experiences nothing but brutality and violation.

-At the point of near-starvation, Zane proves too weak to outrun a pack of Banes, who force Zane to participate in the horrors of Atrocity. Zane is slowly killed, skinned alive bit by bit.

-Zane awakens in Hope's bed, being kept warm between Kills-Hope and Benjamin. They found Zane in the Umbra after he "died" in Atrocity. They had believed him to be truly dead, and were shocked to recover him alive. Zane is unable to speak, too mentally and emotionally strained from his stay in the Atrocity realm.

-For about a month, Zane is incapable of speaking or caring for himself... he mainly paces in his kennel, whimpering. Kills-Hope begins to fear that Zane has been broken, and the pack suffers due to Hope's ill temper.

-Kills-Hope discovers Zane, speaking... to a small Pain Spirit. The Pain Spirit has been following Zane ever since he arrived in Atrocity; the name of the Corrupted Spirit is Pocket-Theif.

-A young Garou named Andrew decides to "buy" Zane from Leclere; Zane is literally sold for a huge ammount of money.

-Zane moves in with Andrew and Andrew's other pet, a young girl whom Andrew calls Silver. He re-names Zane, deciding to make them a matched pair. Zane becomes "Gold." Andrew dresses Zane in nothing but gold and golden colored things; gold satin, gold fishnet, gold chains, even gold body glitter. Silver is dressed similarly, except in silver and silver colored things. The two make a very striking pair.

May 15 1998 - May 15 1999 [17]

-Zane and Silver spend weeks of literally doing nothing. They are merely paramours, little pets kept for the simple amusement and pleasure of their owner, Andrew. Zane, quickly growing bored, summons many Banes for no particular reason, often merely wanting to talk to them.

-Andrew lends "Gold" and "Silver" to a friend of his named Kyle for a single lunar month. Kyle is one of the first vampires Zane has direct contact with; the young vampire uses his captive Garou pets [Silver is Garou as well] to intimidate the rest of his pack. Kyle also forces Zane and Silver to engage in sexual acts in various forms for his pack's amusement. Kyle also feeds from the two Garou frequently, and Zane soon learns to enjoy the Kiss.

-Zane and Silver are returned to Andrew. For roughly six weeks, Zane leads a boring yet safe and comfortable life, as Andrew's lapwolf.

-Andrew allows Zane to attend a Driver's Education course, as well as classes at a public school.

-Kills-Hope travels to Andrew's territory to speak to Zane; the Corrupted Lion Spirit, Maneater, has decided to place a ban on each member of the Jagged Tooth. Since Zane was never truly withdrawn from the pack, he still counts as a pack member. The Ban of the Spirit is that Zane must devour human flesh on a regular basis, specifically the lungs, liver, and heart. In exchange, the Lion Spirit grants Zane it's voice; Zane now has a lion's roar. Quiet and timid by nature, he rarely uses it.

-Zane struggles to resist human flesh for several months, resorting to becomeing a vegetarian in a desperate attempt to shake his cravings; Zane still sees cannibalism as "wrong" and fears what he might do.

-In the grips of Frenzy, Zane slaughters Silver. Andrew finds Zane, crouched over her body, eagerly swallowing huge chunks of meat whole. Horrified and furious, he kicks Zane out, giving him back to Leclere and Kills-Hope.

-Not quite sure what to do with Zane, Kills-Hope merely locks him back in his kennel in the basement. Zane spends hours each day singing for and talking to Pocket-Theif and several Psychomachiae and Feral Psychomachiae.

-Ben pleads with Kills-Hope to allow him to "keep" Zane as his... Hope agrees. Kuronue argues against it, though Hope uses his position as Alpha of the Pack to override what Kuronue insists is wrong. Furious, the crafty Metis takes every opportunity offered to make Zane misreble. Kuronue is often caught poking Zane with sharp sticks while Zane is in either a small cage or in his kennel.

-Not sure what to do about Kuronue's blatant cruelty towards Zane, Ben eventually keeps Zane locked in his room, away from the others.

-Slick-as-Oil returns from her extended visit to the Trinity Hive, and Kuronue uses her arrival as an excuse to divide the pack. The Jagged Tooth is too large... there are simply too many Garou for a single pack. He suggests that the "unnecessary" Garou should be culled from the pack; he suggests that Zane be killed, since Slick-as-Oil is also a Theurge, and is higher ranked that Zane. Several members of the pack agree, though Ben and Voice of Reason are adamantly against it. Kills-Hope is furious, and threatens to remove Kuronue from the pack. Kuronue laughs... he and Hope are similarly ranked, and Hope can do nothing against Kuronue without forcing a Challenge.

-Ben and Hope call Leclere, and the three Garou force Zane into the Second Circle of the Black Labyrinth. He's had enough Renoun to challenge for rank for a long time, after all... however, Kuronue's argument still holds, since Zane is still lower ranked than Slick-as-Oil.

-Furious at being used, Slick-as-Oil officially withdraws from the pack, and moves to the Trinity Hive, becomeing a member of their Sept. Zane, meanwhile, has gotten into the routine of merely existing as a lapwolf, and Ben and Hope are pleasantly supprised at how quiet and well-mannered he's become.

-Durring an argument with Kuronue, Hope Frenzies, and every member of the pack suffers. Zane winds up with the least injuries... when Hope attacked, he didn't fight back, and the crazed Ahroun had no reason to continue the attack.

-The Jagged Tooth is called North to assist a small Hive in recovering a lost Fetish. Zane and Voice of Reason are left behind. Durring the two-month absence of the pack, Voice of Reason teaches Zane several Gifts.

-Zane and Voice of Reason attempt to travel into the Umbra simply to explore it further. Zane once again follows his instincts, and within a few days, the two Garou are in Atrocity. Zane witnesses himself tearing Silver appart and devouring her flesh... ashamed, he attacks the Spirit apparition of himself. Less than four hours after entering Atrocity, Zane "dies"... killed and eaten by the Spiritual reflection of himself. Voice of Reason follows him, "dying" of victimization herself, and she carefully returns Zane to Hope's house. Zane is once again horribly afraid and emotionally shocked due to his time spent in Atrocity, no matter how brief the visit. He refuses to eat anything.

-Hope and Ben return, along with the rest of the pack. They find that Zane has gone without food for over three weeks; he spent nearly three whole weeks curled up in the corner of Ben's room, apparently incapable of speaking.

-Ben tries repeatedly to get Zane to "snap out of it"... somewhere between daily beatings and abuse and bizzare bouts of gentle affection, Zane slowly returns to his normal self, though he still refuses to eat and must be force-fed.

-Harley Stavers joins the Jagged Tooth pack; Zane outranks the Cliath Ragabash, though he clearly doesn't know how to behave. He's never had to worry about dominance issues before... he has always been the lowest ranked, until now. Harley, sensing how physically and emotionally weak Zane is, challenges Zane's dominance, and soon, even though Zane outranks Harley, Harley is declared more dominant within the pack.

-In a bizzare gesture of affection, Zane gives Hope a "Mother's Day" present: a Klaive that Zane made with his knowledge of precious metals and weaponry, and which he himself bound a Furmling [Balefire] Bane into. Hope is genuinely pleased and impressed. Kuronue feels threatened by Hope and Zane's sudden kindness towards each other, seeing Zane as a rival.

May 15 1999 - May 15 2000 [18]

-Kuronue abuses Zane as often as possible, using any excuse as validation; Zane, not knowing what to do about it, merely accepts the near-constant violence.

-After a particularly brutal violation and beating from Kuronue, Zane attempts to appease the irate Galliard by giving him a gift: a Klaive, similar to Hope's. The Bane within the blade is a Spirit of Decay, and any wounds the "Fleshrot" Klaive makes become gangrenous and foul. Kuronue accepts the gift, but the abuse continues nonetheless.

-Ben challenges Kuronue for the position of Beta [second in command] of the pack. The two Garou agree to a round of Gamecraft; the entire pack is shocked when Ben bests Kuronue at Kuronue's own game: a contest of riddles.

-Zane spends four days alternately chained to a wall or tied down in Ben's bed as the young Ahroun "celebrates" his victory by forcing Zane to engage in sexual acts for Ben's amusement.

-Kuronue fuels resentment within the pack, rallying the others against Kills-Hope. Challenging his authority, Kuronue and the entire pack [excluding Voice of Reason, Ben, and Harley] viciously attack Zane, torturing him with silver. This directly breaks one of Hope's pack laws: no Garou may leave permanent scars on Zane.

-Hope discovers what has been done to Zane, who is now horribly scarred. He and Ben proceed to thrash each and every Garou who was involved in the attack. Kuronue flees, refusing to submit to the punishment.

-Hope and Ben sedate Zane, then carefully skin him with steel knives, removing the scars. Voice of Reason assists, using the gift Grandmother's Touch to heal the wounds made from having his skin removed.

-For a single week, Zane is allowed to abuse and torture the rest of the pack, who have all been flayed and chained to the walls of the basement. Having been abused and tortured his entire life, Zane proves to be fairly knowledgeable in how to cause the most ammount of pain while causing the least actual dammage.

-Hope, not wanting any more problems with loyalty within the pack, carefully revises the Jagged Tooth pack laws. Most of the pack members are satisfied, and once again are utterly loyal to Kills-Hope.

-Leclere sends the Jagged Tooth out on an "errand"... they are to track down and destroy a pack of Gaian Garou, mostly Fianna. Not trusting Kuronue, Hope leaves him behind to guard their territory and lair. Kuronue finds the pack before Hope does, and warns them, essentially betraying the entire Jagged Tooth. Kills-Hope's pack walks right into the trap; only Zane, Ben, Harley, and Kills-Hope survive. Harley is taken hostage, and Hope and his sons believe him to be dead.

-Kuronue, seething and furious that his trap didn't succeed in killing Kills-Hope, steals Hope's Klaive. Hope's "pack," which now consists of himself and his two sons, view this as an act of war, and they seek the Thrashing Elk Hive's permission to kill the "traitor." Butchers-Cattle and Leclere, two of the three Heads of the Hydra, agree and declare that Kuronue should be destroyed.

-Kuronue, though powerful, is no match for Kills-Hope and he knows it. He flees to South Korea, rallying allies among Fallen Hakken Garou. Within two months of his exile from the Thrashing Elk, Kuronue becomes Alpha of his own pack, the Flying Fox. Durring those two months, Kills-Hope recruits several Spiral Dancer cubs, essentially re-building the pack from the ground up.

-Armed with the blessing of the Thrashing Elk and a pack of five Cliath Spiral Dancers, plus his two sons, Kills-Hope begins to try and hunt down Kuronue. The Jagged Tooth travels to South Korea, tracking the Flying Fox.

-For months, the two packs make war on each other. Only twice do the two packs actually meet face-to-face, but both battles are long, drawn out, bloody affairs. Zane and Ben have an advantage over the other members of the Jagged Tooth... they have been taught to speak Korean, whereas the other pack members speak nothing but English. The only real trouble occurs when Zane and Ben go on spur-of-the-moment killing sprees, slaughtering three or four people and devouring their flesh.

Click to continue Zane's history
