Please note that these are listed in random order, the newest images appearing first in the list.

Image rating and a brief description of content follows each image link. Someday I hope to have thumbnails up for all of these... someday...

Images by other artists

Please be aware that these images are presented here with the permission of each individual artist.

by Merika Sutton [new]
zane_doll.jpg [colored, finished image] Rating: G; Image of Zane, wielding a firearm.

by Zero 6ix
ZaneChange.gif [colored, finished image] Rating: G; Animated Zane shapeshifting to Crinos form.

by Psycrowe
zane_sketch_psy.jpg [black and white sketch] Rating: G; Picture of Zane and in the background his former dragon form.

by Kassie Ashke
ChristmasZane.jpg [colored,finished image] Rating: G; Picture of Zane in a Santa hat and looking holiday-cheerful.

by Spike Jones
Spike_Zane.jpg [black and white sketch] Rating: G; Picture of Zane without a shirt and looking really sexy.

by Lindsay Ang
zane.jpg [colored, finished image] Rating: G; Picture of Zane, from the shoulders up. Accurately shows how he is rather pretty instead of handsome.

by Kotaishi Tribal
zanefordc.gif [black-and-white finished image] Rating: G; Picture of Zane, just sorta standing there looking thoughtful.

by Kay Dougan
zane_exchange.jpg [colored, finished image] Rating: G; Picture of Zane leaning on a wall somewhere.

by James
ZaneSulks.JPG [black-and-white sketch] Rating: G; Picture of Zane, looking as if he's sulking.

by Darryl
WallTalk.jpg [black-and-white sketch] Rating: G; Picture of Zane, talking to a wall.