Zane Marcus Tynalie's general opinions on the creatures of the World of Darkness:

Zane speaks about faeries...

Pretty is as pretty does, little children. These ones look pretty, but their deeds are as ugly as my own. Pretty faces hide cruel hearts and weak minds...

Zane speaks about fomori...

Ask me no questions, and I won't have to lie.

Zane speaks about ghouls...

We are a wretched lot. And yes, I meant to say we. I'm one of these poor fucks, and there's not much to be done about it. Without a vampire's blood, I would die... I know that. When and if you meet a ghoul, either show it kindness, or kill it. Those are the only humane things to be done; God knows that most ghouls never hear a kind word or have anything but pain dealt to them. If they look to be unsalvageable, kill them. It is more merciful than forcing them to live.

Zane speaks about humans...

Trees in a forest. I see them, I walk past them, and I know they are there, but they mean nothing to me, they are just as individually interesting as trees in a forest. Time for some clear-cutting, slash-and-burn deforestation, if you asked me.

Zane speaks about kinfolk...

Family is family, blood calls to blood, and it certainly is thicker than water, little children.

Zane speaks about mages...

They offer a merciful death. For that alone I like them... they won't let me suffer needlessly. Once I am in too much pain to endure, they will stop my pain from continuing for no reason. Euthanasia is a good thing, and a welcome sight indeed at the end of a long, hard road!

Zane speaks about mummies...

Timeless, lifeless... they think they are the memory, but they are wrong. Time to destroy their precious little dreams.

Zane speaks about vampires...

Cruel sadistic bastards, one and all. Oh, some aren't as bad as others, but on the whole... I hate them. All of them. Some of them, I do like, but I still hate them. Hate burns like cancer, eating away all that is healthy and good. And I hate. But... I also love them. It is frightening, little children, to love the creatures of nightmares.

Zane speaks about werewolves...

Wretched beasts and powerful creatures... such a paradox! It's a wonder that the Gods haven't turned them to stone... like the fox and the hound... wolves at the door... watch out! Eyes that see in the dark... Rudyard Kipling's wisdom holds true. The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf. Or is it the other way around?

Zane speaks about wraiths...

And Vampires think that they are dead... they should count themselves lucky. I do not like the restless ones... they do not bother me, but they grieve my lifemate. It angers me that one of my family should hurt because of these ones, and there is almost nothing I can do about it.

Zane's opinions on specific Clans of vampires

Be warned: If the space behind the name of a Clan is blank, that indicates that Zane either has no knowledge of that Clan, or he does not have an opinion.

Assamite: Killers who need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
Brujah: One gigantic collective pain in the ass.
Followers of Set:
Gangrel: Wolf-friends. They are usually okay friends, so long as they don't kill the wolves.
Lasombra: Shadows who think they pull the strings of all puppets. I admire their drive and ambition, but I wonder... who pulls their strings...?
Malkavians: Misery loves company, little children... and I am so misreble.
Nosferatu: Ugh... smelly horrid beasts. I don't mind the way they look, but... the smell...
Ravnos: Robin Hood's gothic evil blood-sucking twin.
Toreador: No, no more. Go away, leave me. Leave me to my misery. Go away...
Tzimisce: Kindness must be repayed with kindness. I owe much to the Tzimisce.
Ventrue: Wimps!

Zane's opinions on specific Tribes of werewolves

Be warned: If the space behind the name of a Tribe is blank, that indicates that Zane either has no knowledge of that Tribe, or he does not have an opinion.

Black Furies: I hate them. The way they act, they think they are the only goddamn minority.
Black Spiral Dancers: The last hope of the world. God have mercy on us all...
Bone Gnawers: Ick.
Children of Gaia: They were... kind to me. I don't understand... I am Tainted, but they fed me and washed my wounds, and told me to walk in peace. Why didn't they kill me?
Fianna: They brag about their ability to drink people under the table. Fine, ask me if I care. I don't drink.
Get of Fenris: Hit me again, Mr. Fenrir. I'm used to it by now.
Glass Walkers:
Red Talons: Pure and wild, they know who they are and where their place is. I respect them for that, and hate them for it as well.
Shadow Lords: I hold respect for the Lords, and caution.
Silent Striders: See Spot run. Run Spot run.
Silver Fangs: Now that the Fenrir have hit me... please, Mr. Fang, kick me while I'm down.
Uktena: Now that the Fenrir have hit me, and the Fangs have kicked me... please, Mr. Uktena, spit on me and rub insult into injury.
Wendigo: I am everything they hate and despise.