Quotes from Zane: These are things that Zane said to someone else. Who he said them to is listed after each quote.

"It's the way the world is... some die... some always die... the sick feed the strong." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Troy Dante

"I'm a Michigan bitch." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Jason Timmerman

"I'm not as delicate as I look... and you keep forgetting, I like pain." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Damien Tynalie

"My only comfort is that I am loyal... and that comfort is so cold." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Gary Masterson

"You get hurt, you eventually start to get used to it. You get used to it, you eventually start to like it. I like it." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Rayne

"I don't mind how silly I look, if it makes someone happy." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Danny Zinkewich

"I'm a pet, not an automaton. I'm not a robot. Dogs do things without being told... but they also enjoy obeying the people they care about. I'm not all that different." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Damien Tynalie

"A little bleeding is the least of my worries." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Elias Standingwolf

"Yeah, well... s'all I'm good for. A laugh or hot sex, that's about the extent of my talents." - Zane Tynalie, speaking to Rayne

"Better to just go willingly than to have to be forced." -Zane Tynalie, speaking to Jarrod of Usher

"I don't understand." - Zane Tynalie, said to countless people countless times

Quotes about Zane: These are things said to or about Zane, from other characters.

"Such a pitiful thing... the small ones suffer the most." - Jarrod

"Zane evil..." - Jaillyn

"I can say with some sort of perverse affection, Zane is a Pain in the Ass." - Jarrod

"Fear is nothing new to him." - Benjamin Dae, aka Gaia's-False-Hope

"...you really are fucked up..." - Dane "Skulls" Marden

"With Zane its like being around a very energentic puppy." - Rosa Ashkey

"You know he could have had it much better than being a fucktoy. You know he could have been a singer or a healer, and healed you, but instead you and I know what's right from wrong and Zane doesn't because good people stood by and did nothing." - Gary Masterson

"A normal man... even ghoul.... is not so far from his humanity that he is capable of the acts that you seem so proud of." - The Ender

"Ah'm wonderin' if ya'll eva balieve an'thing Ah say..." - Sepp Derakh

"Entering new levels of masochism, are we?" - Troy Dante

"So aren't we a cute little bitch then?" - Jeremy Meyer

"That little asshole..." - Troy Dante

"...and as for Zane... he's my FRIEND!!! I don't ~love~ him... I care, and am pleased that he's not a piece of CRAP like all the others turned out to be..." - Kalen

"A skeleton in my closet." - Danny Zinkewich

"You worthless peice of trash... I ought to take you home and boil you alive... little fucking useless bitch... fucking touch me again and I'll cut your measly throat and put the world out of it's misery..." - Bane O' Humanity

"...he's just wound a little too tightly, if y'know what I mean." - Benjamin Dae, aka Gaia's-False-Hope

"God damn gorgeous." - Mark Meadows

"...scrawny fuck." - Mick Taylor

"If the pain doesn't kill him fear or insanity will." - Raven †Handshake† Millis

"And yet, that poor creature is loyal, ever loyal... I taught him that. You break his heart, and he still remains loyal, still obeys..." - Kills-Hope

"Subjegation of the broken willed and the broken hearted." - Jarrod

"...at least Zane here is pretty tough..." - Troy Dante

"So you like to hurt? Ahh, one of those masochists?" - Elias Standingwolf

"He prefers to stay close to the people he knows." - Jarrod

"Sometimes I hate you Zane..." - Bastian Keith

"Dude, you got style the Munsters would kill for." - Aragon Conway

"Dear heart, I have the feeling you are far less horrifying than most seem to think you are." - Jezebel LaNoire

"You are very sick in the head, Zane." -Rosa Ashkey

"If you... were anyone else... that might seem strange." - Danny Zinkewich

"If I started peeling off your skin right now you'd still think I was your friend, wouldn't you?" - Brett Winters

"...such a good pet..." - Sepp Derakh

"Ben... It really doesn't matter how bad it was for him... Look at him Ben... Look at him! ...And don't disregard it... really look at what your pack did to him... you took someone who was whole, or nearly so and reduced him to a scared, whimpering child... Don't you feel anything? ...God, Ben..." - Damien Tynalie

"Very nice." - Alex Kane

"I... would take it as a compliment... the young... gentleman seems to choose his friends... slectively." - Dana Thorne


"He may have problems, but he has guts, that's for sure." - Hilde Pedersen

"Beloved... so many people have hurt him... he's like a... frightened dog really... you didn't see the way he reacted to all the yelling earlier... you didn't see how he was tearing his own arm... he didn't know I was allergic to narcotics... all he saw was a woman who offered to heal his injuries, to calm him and soothe him without asking anything in return... and he showed his thanks the only way he knew how... from what I've seen of him, he's a highly physical man, his actions, are much like a canine... or perhaps a feline... he purrs when he's happy, he nuzzles, he licks... his nature is not entirely human..." - Dana Thorne

"Zane... it's no use hiding, little one..." - Christian "Chaos" Derakh

"You want to be a servant then you got to know, you'll get the shaft when the master wants - not just in the bed neither." - Isaiah Bratovitch

"Good God, it's like a train wreck... you don't WANT to look, but..." - Jezebel LaNoire

"Aren't you cute?" - Brett Winters

"I'd watch him if I were you... he likes to hurt people." - Kuronue Futhark, aka Seung Do Kim

"He is loyal to those he loves..." - Gary Masterson

"A gimp." - Drea

"That's MY ghoul, so not you, or Bastian, or anyone has the right to kill him without my say so!" -Christian "Chaos" Derakh

"I just find you amusing." - Nikolai Basarab

"Well, if it isn't the City of Devil's very own stray rentboy-gimp." - Brett Winters

"Aw, you're cute in a 'tie-me-up and beat me first' kind of way." - PennyPenny

"Have fun being walked on by other people Zane." Kaine Spencer

"...this is how he lives every day, imprisoned in the ways you and your pack taught him, beat into him that he is lower than everyone else..." - Damien Tynalie

"Damn you're hot." - Jason Timmerman

"I think what Zane fears most in dying is being alone... and what he fears most in living is being abandoned. Either way he goes he feels solitude. And there is no guarentee in either case that he will not be alone..." - Jarrod

"I'd never separate a man from his item of bondage..." - Basil Sphincter

"You're a strange one, mate." - Christopher Snow

"There is more to Zane then the surface and scars. He probably has his reasons for his actions. Just as I had mine once... and a tortured soul is a dangerous thing." - Jarrod

"...puuuurrrfect..." - Kalen

"You interest me, Zane Marcus Tynalie. Do not ask why, as it is beyond your understanding. Be content only to know what great purpose you could serve." - Ender

"Think of him as a sentient bonsai tree... carefully groomed and clipped to fit into an exact form." - Benjamin Dae, aka Gaia's-False-Hope