He's 5' 8" tall and can't weigh more than 150 pounds. Zane has so many piercings one can hardly count them; 5 rings and three studs in each ear; 2 rings through each eyebrow; 4 liprings; a stud through the flesh just under his lower lip; a ring through his left nostril; and when he speaks, you can see that his tongue is pierced with three piercings, a barbell in the center and a ring on each side of his tongue, set a little ways back from the barbell. His shoulder-length hair is a lovely golden color, which offsets nicely with his single eye. The left eye is a bright, crisp blue, the color of a cold, clear Winter sky; the right eye is missing, gouged out violently a while ago. He's wearing black eyeliner and blue lipstick as well. Black leather gloves with the fingers cut off at the first joint are on his very feminine hands, which are tipped with longish fingernails, painted with pale blue nailpolish. On his left ring finger is a pure silver band, with a teal crystal surrounded by ebony bands; the crystal on the ring seems to almost glow. His right hand is a bit twisted, as if crippled, and there seems to be some loss of function. On his upper body is a short platinum grey tank top which shows how painfully thin he is. It often gapes at the belly when he walks, revealing a navel piercing and a tawny golden happy trail. Over the tank top he has a fishnet pullover on. He's also wearing a pair of tight black leather pants, so snug they look almost painted onto his skin. Knee-high black leather lace-up "fuck me" boots adorn his feet, their rather tall heels adding inches to his height. Around his neck is a black leather dog collar with gold studs around it. He has one visible tattoo; "Damien" on the inside of his right arm, in red and black ink. The edges of a purposely made burn scar, a brand, can be seen on his chest beneath the tank top; the edge of the brand can be seen, but the whole thing is too covered to identify it. What can be seen of his shoulders are covered with a mess of whip and claw scars. Almost like perfume, he smells pleasantly but strongly of lilacs and vanilla scented smoke. Overall despite the shock factor you'd have to admit he was pretty if not handsome.