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Zultr Blah

Shardee blah is a secret known only to those in the Zultr bloodline. If you are a Zultr and do not know shardee blah, there are several ways to find out. On the shadowclan message boards there is a private zultr forum that has posts that exsplain how to speak shardee. In order to gain access to this message board you need to create a new shadowclan UBB account, then icq or email me with youre username. Then you will be givin access. The other option is to icq a current zultr and have them exsplain shardee blah. Do not teach anyone who is not a zultr shardee blah. -Zatush'Faugh blud leedur

Shadowclan Message Boards
Gu Bak

Udashkah urltengabash Ulazkah