The Anarchs
"Y'all been eatin' long enough now, stop being greedy/Just keep it real partner give to the needy/Grips is touchy, so don't make me wait/F*ck around I'm gonna bite you and snatch the plate"
DMX, "Stop Bein Greedy"
Charles Brogan's pager went off. "Who the f*ck is this?", he said aloud. He was already in very bad mood; he and his gang had already beat the crap out of some rogue vampire invading their territory, and trouble was brewing at the Acadamy. He impatiently called the number back. "Briget? What do you want?" Cindy and Thomas looked at Charles intriguingly. Charles continued, "Yes, I'm well aware of what the Sabbat pulled off a couple of days ago. Let me guess, you need a place to lay low." After that, Brogan just listened attentively for a couple of minutes before responding. "I see. Well, you do whatever the f*ck you have to do. Thank you for that info, I'll be in touch." He then looked at the others disgustedly and said, "Now that those Cammie bastards got their @sses kicked by Kroeber and them, it seems they want to come down here and f*ck with my sh*t. Okay, I got something planned for those f*cking punks. Cindy, go and get Anne and the rest of the crew. We've got some work to do." He then called one of his connections, a detective formerly from the U.S. Naval Academy and gave him a set of instructions...

The Anarchs in the Baltimore Area are organized under the sociopathic Brujah, Charles Brogan and call themselves the Outriders. Charles is not at all pleased with the fact that the Sabbat have taken over. For one thing, it severely curtails his activity in the city. Also, members of the Camarilla have retreated to Annapolis and he is afraid that they might try to make a move on his city. Unfortunately, he does not have the city under as much control as he wants. He has plans to exert what power he has in Annapolis to show all who's in charge. He also wants to recruit Carlito to his cause, once he finds him...

Overlord: Charles Brogan

Anne Willis
Thomas Harris
Cindy Anderson
Nick Young
Melvin Hall