Cornelius Boulevard

"You gotta snatch some collars and let those motherf*ckers know that you're there to take THEM out! Anytime YOU feel like it! You gotta get the ground beneath your feet partner, get the wind behind your back and go out in the blaze if you have to. Otherwise, you ain't sh*t! You might as well be dead your damn self!"
-Bishop, "Juice"

Cornelius Boulevard: this man never smiles




Cornelius was born in 1726 to a poor family in Spain. Unusually ambitious for one with peasant heritage, he left his family at the age of 16 in order to search for power and adventure. He sailed on a Spanish Galleon for about two years before acquiring his own ship through piracy. He learned a bit about the occult, and used it to his advantage while wrecking havock on the Spanish main for the next four years. His luck ran out upon attempting to seize a ship with cargo that included the venerable Morgan Salvatore of clan Tremere. Morgan was nevertheless impressed with Cornelius' limited occult ability and ghouled him, then embraced him two years later.

Being a pariah caused Cornelius to settle in the New World, in Virginia Beach for a new start. It would be some time before the pirate in Cornelius subsided (actually a truckload of violent sessions, harassment by garou and the Black Hand, and a few sabatticals in torpor finally calmed him down a little bit). He spent 150 years studying hard and mastering blood magic. The year of the reckoning left the East Coast razed by the Sabbat, and Cornelius was supposed to get sent to Washington, D.C. on the merit of his sire. The Sabbat changed that when they took over D.C. in July, and Cornelius was instead sent to Annapolis to assist the Tremere of Maryland, who had already suffered perpetual loses throughout the past decade or so. Siegfred was less than pleased to receive such a reckless, self absorbed Tremere, but Cornelius was a lot better than Siegfred's recent recruits, and can take care of Siegfred's administrative duties while Siegfred pursues personal agendas. Cornelius doesn't mind, because at some point he plans to make a bid for the primogenship of Baltimore. With this in mind he must convince Siegfred to make a bid for prince or have him removed...

Cornelius' Retainers