"I'm the illest n*gga around, watch me prove it/I'll snatch your crown with your head still attached to it/Canabis is the type to fight for mics/Beatin' n*ggas to death and beatin dead n*ggas to life..."
Canabis from LL Cool J's, "4, 3, 2, 1"

Deep in the woods southwest of Baltimore County, Carlito looks around and then concludes the stories of his adventures as newly undead.  "So, let me get this straight," Sandy finally asked.  "Since I've embraced you, you have staged guerilla attacks against the Giovanni and, in fearing for your existence once you managed to piss them off was to recruit allies.  Your choice of allies was piss poor.  You should have seen that when the Giovanni wiped them out, and almost took you with them."
  Carlito, feeling a slight hint of shame, responded.  "Well, that only happened because we hit them that hard.  The Caitiff that I was working with disappeared, and the Giovanni hit us with everything they had, which is a hell of a lot more than we had.  The Sabbat didn't even back up their own pack.  In fact, they joined sides with those bastards."  Sandy just glared at Carlito while  shaking her head, saying, "I rest my case.  Hanging out with the Sabbat was the stupidest move you could've possibly made, and it could've made you a prime target on the area lupines' sh*t list.  Still, I have to say that I'm just a little bit impressed.  Turning the Giovanni's resources against them was a good move, though the Caitiff that provided you with the strategy left you high and dry.  And what of the surviving Sabbat?"
  "Oh, Spidee," Carlito responded.  "He went underground for a little while and now he rolls with the Camarilla.  He even invited me to join something called a coterie.  "A Sabbat traitor?", Sandy asked.  "How...strange.  You need to stay away from that one.  He will lead you to oblivion.  The Camarilla isn't a better choice.  In case you haven't noticed, they are on their way out.  Look, I tracked you down to let you know that clan Gangrel is having a gather soon.  I'm taking you there so you can see for yourself.  I'm also going to introduce you others of our blood, so don't do anything stupid between now and then, you got it?  I don't want you embarrassing me.  I've already put word out with the garou that you are my childer, so stay the f*ck away from the Sabbat, 'cause I won't be responsible for what happens if you don't.  I'll be in touch when the time for the Gather comes."
  "I don't understand," Carlito said in desperation.  "Who are the garou? and what am I supposed to do in between now and then?"  Sandy replied, "The lupines; you would know them as werewolves.  Pray to whatever god you worship if you piss them off.  And I don't care what you do, but you'd better have some good stories.  See you soon."  Carlito, already confused enough and becoming overwhelmed, simply replied, "Aiight. Peace."

The Gangrel Clan has recently and abruptly left the Camarilla, citing proof that an Antediluvian has awoken and is on the rampage.  Baltimore's Gangrel disappeared without a trace after the night of the Sabbat raid.    Carlito, the only Gangrel active in Baltimore, is struggling between the words of his sire and his desire to crush Baltimore's Giovanni clan and maintain his friendship with Spidee.  Spidee was somehow different from the rest of those maniacs (see Spidee's bio) and knows a thing or two about loyalty.  Carlito does share his sire's sentiments about the Camarilla, and if not for Spidee, he wouldn't bother with them at all.

Former Primogen: Glen Harlan

Sandy Barton
