Glen Harlan

"F*ck you I won't do what you tell me..."-Rage Against the Machine



Glen Harlan is the former Gangrel primogen, due to clan Gangrel's recent secession. However, Glen has always been loosely associated with the Camarilla at best. He is one of the few kindred that can run throughout the areas of Baltimore County unimpeded by Garou. He is pretty quiet and withdrawn (but what Gangrel isn't), and is NEVER afraid of getting into a scrap with anyone.

APPEARANCE: Glen has long, slicked back, greasy, messy hair and a moustache that would allow him to fit in with a biker gang. He has a garbled, raspy voice, slit eyes, which he hides with sunglasses (even at night), and his fangs when revealed are longer than normal. He wears a long, black leather coat with no shirt (maybe a tank top in winter) and tight leather pants.