Smiling Jack's Childer


"...It's all about respect!"-The Stucci Bros., White Men Can't Jump




Deciding that they have had enough of his sh*t, the Camarilla took measures to clip a thorn on its side named Smiling Jack. Jack's iconoclastic methods annoyed both the Camarilla and the Cathayans to no end, so he was forced out of the west coast where he made his home. All across the country, and everywhere he went, he would sire and then abandon several childer, creating walking Masquerade violations, and then while the Camarilla was busy cleaning up his mess, he'd flee.

Smiling Jack made the horrendous mistake of travelling to Washington, D.C., where Prince Vitel does not tolerate dissention in the least. Travelling as far east as he could, and not being able to leave the country (courtesy of Vitel), He travelled back west where he was flanked by the Justicar Xaviar, and promptly brought to justice.

While in D.C., Smiling Jack embraced a platoon of mercenary Marines and abandoned them. Only one of them is known to survive, and that is the Brujah Jerzee. Jerzee, hanging on to unlife by a string due to his unfortunate ignorance courtesy of Smiling Jack, was temporarily "adopted" by the archon Theo Bell. Bell helped to ease Jerzee's transition into the Camarilla and used him as a footsoldier in some obscure plot to invade New York City...



A more refined Jerzee (in white) and one of his retainers at a New York City Housing Project