"I don't speak; I float around wrapped in a sheet/I'm not a real person, I'm a ghost trapped in a beat"
Eminem, "Bad Meets Evil"

Spidee's interrogation was intense.  How could it not be?  A member of the dread Sabbat walks into one's office one day and says, "Hey! Lets be friends!"  He seemed cordial enough about getting grilled for several hours.  Susan scanned his emotions.  He was hiding some things, about his whereabouts when not with the Sabbat.  It didn't matter, not to her at least.  His information was valuable, but  was not what she and the rest of the primogen wanted.  They had to be patient though, because Spidee was but a neonate fledgling.  It was therefore inconceivable that he would know the true machinations of the Sabbat.  Jared Tice asked Spidee to name the current members of the Sabbat in the city.  Within one of these packs, the "Claws of Caine", they called themselves, had a member named Brian of the Malkavian clan.  The primogen all stopped and stared silently at Susan, for they all knew what Spidee did not:  Brian is Susan's childe; and the Camarilla now knew who their traitor was.  Eventually, Spidee was let go, but the primogen remained to converse.  Susan's anger was boiling & brewing inside of her.  A blood hunt on Brian obviously wasn't necessary; as Sabbat he was automatically marked for death.  "However," Susan thought to herself, "I think I have had enough of his s#it."  Susan Levrette, the Prince of Columbia, would now take more interest in Baltimore affairs, as she would now make it a point to humble Brian Mason.  Permanently.

In lieu of the Sabbat takeover of Baltimore, the Malkavian clan simply retreated to Columbia for protection.  The clan is small, but as the saying goes, size matters not.  Susan is not one to be trifled.  It is rumored that she has alliances with Garou, Fae, and Gangrel that can be called on at her convenience.  As outlandish as this sounds, she is the undisputed ruler of Columbia and has no difficulty traveling between cities, where things can get really, really strange and hostile.

Primogen:  Susan Levrette

Tabitha Muhr

Mathis Black (Deceased)