"If knowledge is power, than a God...am...IIIIIIIIIIIIII!
The Riddler, "Batman Forever"

Nicodemus paged Colchester again. He didn't like the idea of directly reporting to a scourge, and Colchester was power-tripping kind of hard. I guess the iron grip of Prince Vitel had that kind of effect on people. He'd heard how Garlotte was marketing on Von Ostenwald's apparent demise, and Zakk was outright scared to approach Garlotte directly. Well, at least he didn't owe a life-boon like that moron Spidee. Spidee should've just let Jerzee die. Why Quiet Storm was not destroyed was beyond him. Colcester and co. must've been after a serious threat. But who? Then again, that was a question for another time. Nicodemus was ratting out his own coterie to the scourge. Some of them appeared to be trying hard, for all their f*ck ups, and something just didn't click. To say the very least, they needed Camarilla support badly, and they certainly weren't getting it. Nicolai Poniatowski was the only primogen that seemed to give a sh*t about something other than himself, and Spidee swears he met Tavalkus. Bullsh*t, Nic thought to himself. Nic hadn't seen or heard from Tavalkus in a good three years. But those rune's on the house had to come from somewhere...Nic's cellular phone went off. Colchester, finally.

Colchester: What do you want? Nic: I just need to report what's been going on. A lot has happened.

<A few minutes go by...>

Colchester: <wheezing laugh>, Jacquio's "immune" to blood bonds, but he is nevertheless dead by Kroeber's hand. And one of MY contacts is a Sabbat informant? Bullsh*t! I know my contacts, and I know that Tavalkus didn't kill em. Spidee is full of sh*t. That's just too f*cking convenient for me. I don't think he really left the Sabbat. Give Frank a call, and see what you can get out of him. I'm busy right now, but I believe that b*tch is a traitor, and I'll deal with him myself. Tavalkus, hah! You're a f*cking fool for believing that one...

As the events in 1998 led to the Sabbat emerging as the supreme rulers of Baltimore, the Nosferatu of the Camarilla have adopted a "F#ck all y'all, I'm goin' for self" attitude.  The Undercity which they dwell is highly advanced.  In fact, the Nosferatu don't even dwell in sewage like most of their kind, they have routes for sewage as well as routes for storm drainage.  Since the Nosferatu themselves designed the Undercity, they have quite literally made labyrinths, traps, and puzzles not unlike the most advanced D&D campaign.  We won't even discuss the various unsavory elements down there.  The Nosferatu have an information network that is unrivaled, but one must be incredibly confident or incredibly insane to enter Undercity with the intent on appoaching them, for the methuselah Tavalkus does not take kindly to intruders at all...

Jerald Gellon

Marston Colchester (deceased)