"I'm not just knockin' on the door, I'm comin' in your house/And gunnin' for your spouse, about to send that b*tch back to her maker/And if you have a daughter older than 15 I'm rape her/Take her on the living room floor, right there in front of you/Then ask you, "Seriously, Whatcha' gonna' do?/Frustrating isn't it?  Want to kill me but I'ma kill you/Now watch me f*ck just a little while longer, please will you?/This is revenge, no dap before you die/And despite how much I hate to see a grown man cry/I'm gonna' make you suffer, see your @ss in Hell motherf*cker/[click, boom! boom!] See your @ss in Hell!"
DMX, "ComingFor You"

Archbishop Kroeber leaned back in his leather chair, as each member of the pack introduced their names and lineage.  He pressed one finger against his cheek as his bald head slightly leaned on his hand.  "So, you all are the pack that has been making trouble in my city over the past couple of days.  The ones accosted and almost destroyed by the Black Hand."
  "With all due respect sir," said the outspoken one, the one dressed in a black zoot suit with the sleeves ripped off and black construction boots, "We were recovering from a lupine battle that destroyed one half of our pack, so we weren't at our best."  Kroeber, who glanced at the window and noticed that the outspoken gentleman had no reflection, was amused with the notion that these misfits thought that they even stood a chance against any of his packs.  Nevertheless, they did manage to take out a pack of Garou on their way to Baltimore.  The outspoken one continued, "Our pack leader and priestess were lost in that battle, and I have since assumed the position of Ductus.  We have been recruiting numbers from city to city all over the country, amassing an army and wrecking sh*t like a swarm of
Red Ants."
  Kroeber responded, "Well, I will leave you with two choices:  One, you can leave my city now in one piece.  Two, I have need of a pack to maintain street destruction since one of our packs have moved on to assist with the conquest of D.C.  However, in
my city, you will follow my rules.  You will not molest anyone's territory or the entire lot of you will see final death.  Nothing and no one burns in my city without my permission."  "I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize for that, but I figured if my pack entered the city with authority, we'd make contact with the city's Sabbat a lot quicker.  We heard out west that the East Coast was succumbing to the Sabbat, and that Baltimore was the first city to fall. If we can be of any assistance, we'd be more than happy to help."
  "Good," replied Kroeber.  Kroeber thought to himself that this ragtag pack might have some mettle after all.  I will need you all to push the Camarilla further south and press them between here and D.C. until there is nowhere left for them to run.  But enough for now, recuperate and visit the temple.  My Templar, Ivan, will instruct you further.  Welcome to Baltimore".

Archbishop Viktor Kroeber is the undisputed ruler of Baltimore (Well, the Technocracy might have something to say about it).  The Sabbat have ravaged the East Coast over the past year, and the future of the Camarilla is very uncertain in the United States.  It appears that Gehenna is just underway, and Kroeber intends to be prepared.  Under his ruthless leadership, the packs that run in Baltimore have been utterly unstoppable.  One pack, the Shredders, have moved on to D.C. and have been instrumental in helping Sascha Vykos seize the nations capital.  The [former] largest nomadic pack in the United States, the Red Ants, have come to the East Coast in search of "fun" and have been recruited by Kroeber.  When the Camarilla have been suitably stomped out, Kroeber intends to deal with the annoyance in East Baltimore...

Archbishop:  Viktor Kroeber
Templar: Ivan Kapinsky
Bishops: Mathius
Etan ben Yair

Lightning Storm