"Who taught you how to pray?/You read it in a book, look.  You bear witness to Amon-Re!/Everyday when you say amen/Then turn around and preach worshippin' false gods is an unforgivable sin..."
Ras Kass, "Interview With A Vampire"

August, 1997: Briget stepped into the club, relatively quick. She never had a problem getting into clubs. People like her are what made nightclubs so popular. The theme for this club was interesting, she thought, as she walked through. There were clouds and landscapes painted on the walls, and the waitresses were dressed in fake wings and halos. The bouncers were dressed in white. The crowd was relatively mild, at least on this level. She went straight to the stairs, where paintings of flames erupted in a crescendo, and if one used their peripheral vision one could swear that the flames were in motion. Downstairs had the "fun" crowd, and it was definitely rowdier and the music louder. It was dark, luminated only by blacklights, and a huge silver pentacle graced the dancefloor. The waitresses were sexier, and they dressed in black and wore fake horns, as did the bouncers, who were definitely bigger and meaner than upstairs. On the opposite side of the bar were the private booths. That was where she was.

Briget was really impressed by this Caitiff from L.A., Natasha was wrong about them being uncultured outcasts, if Lisa was an example of Caitiff. She was sitting next to an arbitrary guy, probably a blood doll. "Briget, darling! Please have a seat," said Lisa. Please meet Bryan Singer, a friend of mine. You know Usual Suspects, right? "Yes," Briget said. "Nice to meet you." Lisa then said, "Isn't she gorgeous?", and Bryan responded, "Absolutely, but can she act?" "I can guarantee you that she's better than that Uma Thurman," Lisa replied. As they continued to speak, Briget thought to herself, wow! The director of Usual Suspects is hanging with Lisa. And defering to her for advice?!! Then she focused on that cute guy on the dance floor. After deciding that whatever chick he was dancing with wasn't worthy, she debated whether she should steal him and take him home for the night. She was so into his features and the bulge in his pants, that she didn't see Bryan leave or say goodbye to her. She also didn't see Lisa studying her. If she had seen Lisa, perhaps with auspex, she could have perceived the snake inside before it was too late.

Lisa reached out with her senses and felt for Briget's predilection for sex, as Lisa sized up the guy on the dancefloor. Once she had a grip, Lisa summoned one of her blood dolls. The one that was high on cocaine. Then, she rerouted Briget's urge for sex with an urge for...something else. As Briget suddenly turned to face Lisa, Lisa said, "I have something nice I want you to try," as the blood doll cut herself and gave her arm to Briget...

The Setite Clan is the smallest clan in Baltimore.  The Setite clan is the most overlooked clan in Baltimore. The Setite clan the most dangerous clan in Baltimore.  Baltimore is the site of Hesha's primary East Coast facilities, and Hesha would not be thrilled at all if his property was molested.  Hesha has trusted the care and maintenance of Baltimore to Lisa Shields.  Lisa Shields has done an impeccable job of maintaining a strong influence in Baltimore while staying immersed in the shadows.  Her pet projects include corrupting the Toreador Briget Auclair and solidifying her power base in southwest Baltimore, as well as taking over the Harbor Hospital (currently under the control of Nicolai Poniatowski).  Spidee hates her for unknown reasons, as does his sire, Tina Wolf.  However, Spidee thinks that she is a Caitiff and the Sabbat are too occupied to worry about the Setites right now.

Lisa Shields (agent of Hesha)
James Owens