"Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?
-Cecil Rodney

    They all met at Natasha's secret haven.  It was very cozy, and classical music was playing in the background.  Spidee thought to himself, "Classical music is off the hook when mixed with Hip-Hop.  I need to see her about her collection one day."  He knew that the thought was in vain.  Natasha would probably never trust him enough to have a friendly conversation.  Spidee thought to himself that she is so beautiful,  he never really looked at white women much before his embrace.  Briget was beautiful herself, and had a sleazy aura about her that turned him on.  When she wasn't getting on his nerves, anyway.  Then, a model type guy, obviously a ghoul, walked into the living room with a pitcher and 4 champagne glasses.  "Refreshments, anyone?"
     Spidee thought about his days participating in the Vaulderie when it occurred to him that the blood in the pitcher could be tainted with Natasha's blood.  He had already drank her blood once, as a gesture of loyalty and diplomacy.  He resented being manipulated into it.  Two more drinks and he would be blood bound to Natasha, forever her slave.  He would not be bound to anyone, ever again.  Everyone took a glass except for Spidee, who politely declined.
     Briget was wearing a black see-through blouse and her cleavage was visible through it.  It almost distracted Spidee from the fact that she was eyeing him, as if looking for a reason to start trouble.  Almost.
     Once Ken Halo  gave an abridged version of
Quiet Storm's first meeting together, he immediately started to ask questions about the Sabbat in Baltimore.  "Who is this "Black Hand" guy that murdered my sire?", he asked.  Natasha replied, "Not who, but what.  Your sire should'nt have put you in a recon coterie before you were properly inducted into and informed of kindred unlife."  Briget, with a wicked grin, then said, "Spidee, you were in the Black Hand weren't you?  Why don't you explain it to Ken?"
     Ken glared at Spidee as Spidee glared at Briget.  Spidee replied, "I wasn't in the Black Hand.  I was interested in membership and I was being considered while I gained more fighting experience.  They didn't take me too seriously but my sire taught me a thing or two about interrogation, and they appeared to be interested in that.  So I was being considered to be a Black Hand operative within my pack, but I'm sure they wouldn'tve let me join theirs."  Natasha suddenly stiffened up, and said, "Wait.  Do you mean that there is an entire pack consisting of Black Hand members?"  "Yeah," Spidee answered.
     Ken, never taking his glare off of Spidee, spoke in barely contained anger.  "Who... and...where are they!", Ken demanded.  Spidee then let out a nervous laugh and answered, "Whoa, cowboy!  It's not that simple.  The Hand makes navy seals look like YMCA lifeguards.  Imagine a gang of Darth Mauls that were abused as children.  They are
no f*cking joke.  And Kroeber's childe heads the pack.  So even if by some cataclysmic miracle you could take them out with your tattoo gun, you'd have to deal with Kroeber.  Directly.  And when you have Archbishop Kroeber on your @ss, you truly have somebody on your @ss.  Just chill, 'cause Gabriel was right.  We build, we grow strong, then we kick @ss.  Facing the Hand right now--"
     "What are you, their press agent?", Briget interuppted.  "I'll just have to come out and say that I don't trust you Spidee.  My sire was generous not to force a blood bond on you, but I'll tell you this:  If you cross us, it's not the Black Hand you will have to worry about."  "Briget, please," Natasha responded.  "I can imagine that Spidee has as much to lose as we do.  As second in command for your new coterie, I trust and hope that you will do the right thing.  I have invested a lot into you, including my patronage and my blood.  I mean to see a return on my investment.  With that, I bid you gentlemen good evening."  Ken received a hug and a kiss from both ladies, and Spidee, angry with Briget and bearing a hint of jealousy towards Ken, left without saying a word.   

The Toreador have lost much since the Sabbat have taken over Baltimore.  This has left them angry, bitter, and eager for revenge.  Natasha treats Spidee with distrust and Briget is openly hostile towards him, but in truth they are afraid of him.  Natasha is especially worried that Aldred might be lost forever, as all attempts to contact him, supernatural or otherwise, have failed.  Briget is in danger of being corrupted by Lisa Shields, and Ken has been given instructions to watch Spidee carefully as Spidee serves as second in command of the Quiet Storm.

Primogen:  Natasha LeFebure

Briget Auclair
Robert Gainesmil (Annapolis)

Ken Halo
