As Natasha led Quiet Storm to the Undercity, at the Cross Street Market entrance, she used a wrench to configure a strange pattern with screws to summon Tavalkus, and then said, "Now we wait." When they got the "go ahead", they proceeded down an amazing sewer network, that had "Y" junctions instead of "T" junctions. There were myraid amazing sites, such as trash-less sewers, a hallway of skulls with pinpoint red eyes, an underwater river, and a magical blue stream that went down one wall and up another. The blue water bubbled and cleaned their clothes, and the coterie met with the insanely bumpy Jerald Gellod, who led them to a magnificent underground demesne, including an art gallery, ancient greek and mesopotamian columns, and other magical wonders that mimicked the ancient and long forgotten Library of Alexandria. Then, in a black and silver cloak, appeared Tavalkus. He and Natasha engaged pleasantries in french, and as refreshments were being served, Tavalkus stepped out for a minute. High pitched, horrific screams ensued, and Tavalkus came back to the waiting room with two tusks that he said belonged to the late Marston Colchester. He said unemotionally, "I told that f*cker about coming into my domain." Since then, Spidee has taken the tusks, engraved them with a rose, and wears them around his neck.

Being the annoying neonates that they are, the coterie tried with much difficulty to explain what they needed from him. Eventually, after being annoyed to no end, he pieced together that they were looking for a femur. Tavalkus gave them what they needed and refuge for the night. He offered them as many supplies as they could carry, but warned the Tremere about touching any of his magical items, "You touch my sh*t and you're mud!" Nicodemus had a talk with Tavalkus, asking for his blessing in pursuing the Nosferatu primogenship, so that he could not be manipulated by the likes of Colchester again. The next evening, Tavalkus led them all out of the Undercity and to Fells Point, where they would meet with Cap. As they left the sewers, Cain, appearing from nowhere, shouted obscenities and somehow kept them all frozen in place with his gaze. As he prepared to slaughter the coterie without even breaking a sweat, he was suddenly lifted in the air by an invisible force and impaled on a gate. The unfortunate mortal had no knowledge of the legendary Tavalkus. As the coterie proceeded to fire on his body, a flash of light enveloped him and he dissappeared, never to be seen again. Quiet Storm must wonder if they will ever see this enemy again. The Giovanni ran outside trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and dropped their hostility (barely) when they saw that Spidee had the fetter. They took the fetter to an obscure church, where a portal opened up. Then it rained blood, frogs, and spiders (much to Spidee's dismay) and the fetter was destroyed. The Giovanni took care of Antonio after that.

The next evening, Spidee left a letter to Quiet Storm and left town. Permanently. Jerzee soon left for New York to assist Theo Bell, and Veneficus followed suit in order to serve Aisling Sturbridge while the Camarilla made plans to seize the city that never sleeps.

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