Then came the Malkavian Miles. Actually, his name was Mathis Black, but hey. As the coterie regrouped at Nicodemus' haven in East Baltimore, Miles did a good job of annoying the hell out of everybody. Valence Williams also returned from Buffalo, surprized that Kashim was still alive...He reported that Buffalo had fallen to the Sabbat, and that Gabriel met his final death at the hands of Garou. They ripped off his arms and legs and left him to the sun. He then said aloud, "I look forward to Kashim's death," and abruptly left. Quiet Storm then collected the money owed them by Alyana and the Andresecov family. The next step was to pay off Steel and Hell's Kitchen, but Zakk forgot to bring the money and had to go back (dumb @ss). Upon meeting with Hell's Kitchen, Steel hurled one insult too many at Quiet Storm, and while Zakk and Cornelius went to get supplies from Zakk's contacts, Nicodemus and Miles decided to kill Steel and take the money back. After all, with Spidee and Jaquio gone, how could Lisa blackmail them?

Meanwhile, Zakk went to the chop shop where a van was waiting for him, only to see a strange man feeding off of his retainer, Felix. As He and Cornelius attempted to accost him, the man's arms grew and he developed bone-claws and proceeded to take them down. Cornelius got lucky and grabbed hold of him, boiling his blood. The strange man fled, and as Cornelius licked his hands, he could not determine what clan this kindred hailed from. It was...different. He needed to heal his wounds, and Nicodemus was happy to help him by providing blood for Cornelius. He then left Cornelius and Miles, donned a suit, and went to an elite meeting, presided over by Prince Vitel. While Miles damn near pestered Cornelius into a frenzy, and Cornelius was thankfully injured, Nicodemus appealed for the primogenship of clan Nosferatu in Baltimore. At this meeting, it was revealed that Cornelius was partially blood bound to Miles (Nicodemus left out the fact that it was his doing). Cornelius' status has been placed in the severest jeopardy as a result.

Angelo, 1st name on the Red List

Meanwhile, Carlito had returned to the city, fighting off thugs and planning his next Giovanni incursion, when he was accosted by Glasswalkers. They informed him that they were running things now, and he had better watch his step. Upon finding Nicodemus' haven, he rejoined Quiet Storm. Nicodemus maintained his political maneuvering (and learned that Lisa Shields is an agent of Hesha, who is not to be f*cked with), and Zakk grew increasingly impatient. He was tired of cowering and waiting to be attacked, and stepped up as the proud and strong leader that he should have been in the first place. They investigated the old havens and saw...Jaquio there (actually it was a flesh-crafted Lasombra, but that didn't stop a paranoid Kashim from firing on him prematurely). As a Sabbat pack closed in on the Quiet Storm, "Jaquio" was taken down, but took Kashim with him. Quiet Storm decisively defeated the pack, which retreated as the police approached the scene, but not before Kashim was shot in the back of the head by "Jaquio", who was permanently gunned down by Joe, Nicodemus' ghoul.

What happened next was highly unusual. Carlito took the opportunity to deablerize a 13th generation Ventrue antitribu (mind you he is 11th generation) while the police approached and arrested him. At central booking, Carlito called Zakk for bail, who reminded Carlito that the sun was soon rising. Carlito panicked, killed an inmate with a protean claw, and tried to accost 10 police officers, and was consequent shot 78 times into torpor. As the sun rose, he became ash, and I don't mean Victoria.

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