The Tremere then did something for the first time since it's existence in Baltimore: they agreed on something. Helena Taylor embraced Kashim rather frivolously in the opinion of Baltimore's Tremere. Siegfred decided that he'd had enough and had long ago appealed to Peter Dorfman to send Kashim to Vienna for reeducation. When Siegfred informed Kashim, Kashim immediately disagreed, and was staked and sent to Vienna via UPS (wait until they find out he mangaged to break his blood bond...).

As for Nicodemus, he set up shop in Annapolis and visited one of Colchester's old havens. While there, he found information on Robert Gainesmil, The Outriders, Victoria Ash, and also found a collection of...things. These things included women's underwear (including Spidee's ghoul Dionne), skin samples, various porn, and some of Spidee's clothes (along with a wardrobe of clothes in various sizes that could'nt have been his).