Jared informed Zak that a coterie called Quiet Storm was making plans to take over Cherry Hill, an area that Zak used to supply.  Upon meeting with the coterie, they made it clear to him that they had no intentions of running the neighborhood into the ground.  They wanted to improve their hunting grounds by improving the community (a daunting task).  They were going to sell marijuana and suppress all of the other drug dealers in the area.

Just before Quiet Storm moved into Cherry Hill, they were accosted by a gang of maniacs that turned out to be a Sabbat Pack.  Spidee called Cornelius, and he and Kashim immediately traveled to Spidee's house (you see, Cornelius has a little problem with control and violence).  Apparently, a blood stone was planted in Spidee's belongings and the bloodstone was being tracked.  The pack riddled Spidee's house with bullets and attacked everyone within.  As the pack began to get the best of Quiet Storm, the two Tremere entered the battle.  Cornelius set one pack member on fire, and Kashim, armed with Cornelius' 200 year old katana, closed his eyes, and swung with all his might, and luckily decapitated a female on top of Spidee (Kashim will NEVER win the lottery).  Then, out of nowhere a gang of lupines arrived, led by Carlito and clan Gangrel who quickly ripped the pack to shreds (and in their frenzy almost ripped Cornelius and a couple of other QS members).  Then Carlito left with the Gangrel and was not seen again.  When the police arrived, Spidee
convinced them to only take him in for questioning.  The police also found Jacquio hiding in the basement in fear of his unlife.  Two of Spidee's ghouls were killed in the altercation.  Spidee was upset.  The police confiscated all weapons, including Cornelius' katana.  Cornelius was f*cking pissed.

The media reported the attack, and witnesses claimed that someone loosed wild dogs on the house of the owner of the Twilite Zone.  The Camarilla covered the issue up, and Nicolai faked the deaths of everyone in the coterie (except Veneficus, who was running errands for Adrian and Susan) and had everyone patched up at the Harbor Hospital.  Meanwhile, Natasha sent a deceptive telegram to Archbishop Kroeber.  Kroeber sent one back.  The letters can be read

Then two more obscure kindred came to Cherry Hill seeking to help Quiet Storm, but causing more problems. One of them was Damian Hel, a Brujah, and the other was Memphis Bledsoe, a Toreador.  Actually, Susan Levrette gave Spidee a call and told him that Memphis was actually a Malkavian who thinks she is a Toreador.  Spidee, sick of people whom he hasn't given his phone number and address calling him and stopping by, is considering turning off his phone service and leaving town.

As Quiet Storm set up shop, they took over a gang called the Cherry Hill Mobsters and incorporated them into Quiet Storm.  Although they are moving major weight, business has started out slow.  Then one member, James Shepard, dissappeared.  After
intense investigation, James' body was found in a secret compartment in a recently buried coffin.  All of his organs were removed.  It turns out that there's a network of people that have people killed, their organs removed, and sold for profit.  One of those in the network was traced to Harbor Hospital, and when Nicolai found out, said individual paid the price with his life.  The primary funeral home that was in the network was raided and burned down by Quiet Storm and it's owner interrogated and killed.  Quiet Storm left an identifying symbol spraypainted on the walls so that everyone knew it was them.  The interrogation revealed the name and occupaton of a Surgeon named Ralph Williamson.  Jacquio hacked into his computer, which had the strange password of L-I-S-A to seize his information.  Ralph's house was raided, and when he got home, he was interrogated and shot.  His wound's healed, revealing that he was a ghoul.  Before he was killed and burned, (Cornelius apparently has a little problem with fire, too) a pamphlet was found about an obscure secret society called The Disciples.  Apparently, there's a nest of Setites in town.
