One can only imagine what goes on in a Setite Temple...

Then came Cain, a self-proclaimed vampire hunter who was on a mission to destroy Jacquio (long story).  He was convinced to calm down and temporarily work with Quiet Storm...

With that being said, Quiet Storm had a meeting and decided that they will need more ghouls to watch their backs.  Kashim unsuccessfully tried to ghoul the Cherry Hill Mobsters, and was reprimanded by Spidee and Cornelius.  In fact Cornelius drafted a letter to send to the Inner Circle in Vienna that he was two seconds from sending out concerning Kashim's "lack of progress" (which was well noted by Siegfred at a recent conclave).  Spidee decided to ghoul his two police contacts, and one of them, J.B., was distraught.  He spoke about some cases of his that got to him because they were so horrific and the District Attorney buried the cases.  One case involved a six year old boy that was chained to his bed and was regularly abused.  There was so much filth and garbage in his home that the police had to enter the house through the window.  The other, more recent case was with a young girl who was kept in a closet like an animal, living in her own filth and regularly starved and abused.  When J.B. described how skinny the girl was and how she was so afraid of light, he broke down and cried.  J.B. sensed a conspiracy and the cover up confirmed it.  All that investigations could muster up was more Disciple activity.

Meanwhile, Kashim was given instructions to gather black (afirican american) hair and nail samples.  He manipulated Veneficus into helping him, and she quickly grew tired of his ordering her around and pulled rank.  Everybody was irritable that week because everyone was having nightmares, but no one could remember what they were about.  (The nightmares abruptly stopped a week later.)  They tried to accost a half-mad bum with a twisted true faith without success, so Veneficus attempted to seduce the next available male.  After failing miserably, Kashim covered his face with his hand (I'm not kidding), shot the guy in the back, gathered hair and nail samples, and drained him of his blood.  Driving bystanders called the police, and a news highlight aired about a voodoo scare in Cherry Hill.  When the coterie found out, they manipulated Kashim into a serious boon.  He also tried, unsuccessfully, to smuggle out $40,000 that he found in a safe at the funeral parlor that he thought no one knew about (Spidee trains his ghouls well...).  Needless to say, no one likes the Tremere.
