Suddenly, Tavalkus informed Spidee and Jerzee that they had been followed (how he knew that was anyone's guess) and pardoned himself while he blended with the walls, and a short time later he returned, licking his fingers clean of blood. He then gave Spidee a bag of old, old money, and a ring for each of them, to protect them from something called wraiths that the Giovanni apparently get their powers from. Why an autarkis methuselah would be giving such help to neonates was anyone's--nevermind. When Spidee and Jerzee returned to the haven, they noticed that huge silver runes had been painted all over the walls of the house. Later in the night, Nicodemus revealed Colchesters plans to Spidee, and suggested that the coterie slow down on making so many enemies at once. After all, they were warring with the Sabbat, Setites (that Spidee apparently couldn't stand for whatever reason), and now Giovanni.

A couple of nights later, they were invited to the Deuces to discuss business with the Giovanni. Somehow, Giovanni agents knew that Quiet Storm was strapped (damned wraiths), so after they were relieved of their weapons, they were led to an office that was unusually lighted, and there were no shadows in the room. Zakk decided to lead the group, because Spidee warned everybody about what racist pricks the Giovanni were. After an interrogation by Antonio Giovanni, the Don of Baltimore, he blackmailed them by demanding $1.3 million. The money provided by Tavalkus was actually more than enough, so they gave it all to Antonio, begging him for forgiveness.

The coterie was given information that the dragonsbreath ammunition that they had purchased from Spidee's contact, Donta, was not really dragonsbreath. They had been ripped off. Spidee sent for Donta, and he revealed that his contact had a contact who supplied the dragonsbreath for some obscure group, and Quiet Storm decided that they would like to meet this group. Cornelius went feeding by himself and was almost killed by three mortals who apparently knew that he was kindred. The fog that he cast was the only thing that saved his @ss. Then, as Spidee and Jaquio went hunting, they were detained by the ATF. Spidee talked their way out of getting gun charges, but they still had to be taken in for questioning. Jaquio tried to dominate his way out of the car and went ignored...until one of the agents looked at him through a mirror and noticed that he had no reflection. Jaquio was interrogated by Detective Berry, a corrupt cop who had been harassing Quiet Storm for some time, and the two of them were later released. Next, the same three people attempted to destroy Kashim, leading the Tremere to believe a conspiracy was taking place (in lieu of Maria Chin's assassination in Baltmore). The coterie saved his unlife, and captured one of the assassins, who apparently couldn't speak english and worked for Hell's Kitchen.

A couple of nights later, Det. Berry sets up a meeting between Quiet Storm and Hell's Kitchen at an abandoned housing project. The coterie would finally meet Hell's Kitchen face to face, and their agitating leader Steel. Steel, after hurling verbal abuses at the coterie, made it clear that he knew exactly who and what they were, and he wanted them to meet somebody. With this in mind, Steel called for a tentative truce. Hell's Kitchen led Quiet Storm towards the Incinerator at Baltimore's Camden area, where a rave was taking place. It was at this rave that the coterie would meet one Lisa Shields.

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