Lisa Shields, a Setite that controlled Hell's Kitchen, was not at all thrilled about Quiet Storm's incursions in Cherry Hill. She knew who Spidee really was. And she knew that Jaquio was a Lasombra, courtesy of Det. Berry. She blackmailed the sh*t out of Quiet Storm, allowing them just enough resources to operate and that's it. Quiet Storm now needed the money they lost on the dragonsbreath to pay off Lisa. As Quiet Storm climbed up Donta's social ladder, they caught up with a Jack Brown, who sold them another botched shipment. They killed his bodyguards and brought him back to the haven for interrogation. It was then revealed that Quiet Storm was ripped off by the Andreshecov Family, the Russian Mob.

Infuriated, they forced Jack to set up another meeting with the Andreshecovs, and they shot several soldiers (Kashim caught one in the back of the head) and kidnapped Alyana Kostenyuk, who was the primary weapons supplier for the Andreshecovs. The interesting thing is that Alyana allowed herself to get abducted. This was evident when all of the technology at the haven went haywire and she broke out of her handcuffs. As Kashim tried to say something, she called him a wyrm and threatened his life (the coterie assumed that she called him a 'worm' because he had a small penis or something, who knew?). Then she grew hair, grew large, grew fangs, and became a werewolf. She didn't kill them because she needed them. Apparently, the Giovanni had problems spying on the coterie from their haven, so she "arranged" a meeting to take place. A Giovanni named Cap wanted Quiet Storm to help him get rid of the Antonio. In exchange, the Glasswalkers (whoever they were) would gain control of the city's underworld activities, and Quiet Storm would get their money back.

The next night, a Federal Express package was delivered to the haven. The package came from one Viktor Kroeber, and it contained Jaquio's face attached to a mannequin head! There was no time to mourn the loss, as the coterie planned to track and kill him themselves anyway, they proceeded to meet with one of Alyana's contacts. The strange thing is that no one remembered meeting the guy, [re: changeling] but everyone had an identical gold coin in their pockets, and they suddenly knew that wraiths existed and that they needed a femur that was in the possession of Tavalkus. This femur was a fetter, a focal point for a powerful wraith in the service of Antonio Giovanni. If the wraith could be neutralized, Cap could get rid of Antonio and take over clan Giovanni, as he had already gained permission to diablerize Antonio from Venice.

Meanwhile, Kashim received a severe reprimand from his primogen. Kashim noticed that his ghoul was missing, and upon investigating Cornelius' mansion, accidently electrocuted himself and was summoned to the chantry in Annapolis. Quite frankly, Kashim is a f*cking jerk and he doesn't know how to deal with people. Since he routinely mistreated his retainer, she thought it would be a good idea to earn his love by making him famous since he was a struggling author. As he constantly complained of some guy named Siegfred, she arranged to have a news team go to the chantry and chastise him on national television. The news team dissapeared, and the ghoul was conditioned into a slug of a human being.

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