The true culprit behind the Canopener murders...


Next came the dreadful event that will forever be known as Friday the 13th: Hell Night, as it took place on Friday, August 13, 1999 (the Year of the Reckoning). The coterie appealed to Nicolai for help in contacting Tavalkus once more, and Cain decided to employ the common sense of ground glass. He had been recently inspired by the divine and was imbued with a ridiculous amount of power. Growing impatient in his need to destroy kindred, he decided to go hunting. By himself. His supernatural affinity led him to the scene of a serial killing known as the "Canopener murders". A random police officer on the beat was investigating his unusual activity, as Cain was wearing a trenchcoat in 90 degree weather. Upon seeing the murder, the cop called for backup. When Cain tried to attack the cop and escape, he learned the hard way that his new powers didn't work on normal humans. Upon his subsequent @ss-whipping and arrest, the police found on his person a katana, machete, stakes, shurikens, knifes, a .45, and what appeared to be vials of water. At the station, Cain happened to meet a bald man who was creepy, for he had no heartbeat. The man introduced himself as Kroeber. Cain, hearing of the powerful and awe inspiring Archbishop, immediately attempted to employ his true faith. There is nothing more amusing yet horrifying as listening to a man as ancient, refined, and chivalrous as Kroeber telling someone to "shut that sh*t the f*ck up!" What Cain didn't know was that in another life, Kroeber had true faith himself, and didn't scare that easily.

Cain was abruptly released, and being the genius that he was, immediately returned to the haven as the coterie was trying to bail him out. As Cain entered the house, Spidee's phone rang. He heard a deep, mechanical, Darth Vader like voice that was all too familiar to him. The voice said, "Hello. I was Cain's benefactor and I'll be there in a second." Before Spidee even had a moment to process the fear in his heart, Kroeber stepped through the wall and attacked everyone. Spidee barely made it out of the building as he fled in a fear that not even rostreck could muster. Nicodemus, upset with this imbecilic mortal that he should have killed a long time ago, seemingly shot Cain in the head and retreated. As darkness and tentacles engulfed the building, the screams ensued. Cain's body disappeared in a flash of light. Zakk panicked and somehow managed to jump through the [boarded up] window (Zakk will never, ever, ever, ever, ever win the lottery for that one), and Jerzee, trying to find a window to jump out of, jumped through the f*cking wall! Kroeber's shadow destroyed more than half the building and killed everyone else within, tearing them to pieces. Rumors still abound about a giant octopus that ate an entire city block. The news reported yet another explosion in Cherry Hill, and again placed the blame on Quiet Storm.

Nicodemus reported to Colchester and they both determined that Spidee was still a Sabbat traitor, and set out to kill him slowly. It took several days for the coterie to regroup, and Nicodemus had an APB put out on Cain. The Sabbat were hard on Cain's trail as well (oh, yeah, and Spidee too). Natasha, the Toreador primogen, helped to organize the group so that they could find Tavalkus. She determined that for the time being, the Undercity just might've been the safest place for them at the time.
