IThe time is just after 3:00AM.  Spidee has by now gotten hungry, but he is so upset  and disturbed that he refuses to eat tonight.  He paces back and forth for about 5 minutes, almost forgetting that his ghouls are present.  Only the subtle scent of their blood reminds him of their presence.  Then he places a call to Natasha.  One of her ghouls gives her the phone...

Natasha: Hello?
Spidee: I have a problem.  These f*cking people have been driving me crazy all night.  I don't think that this is gonna work out--
Natasha:  Slow down, Spidee.  What happened.
Spidee:  1st of all, some @sshole Ventrue comes knocking on my door trying to call shots and almost caught one in his @ss.  He said that Jared Tice sent him.  I thought I made it clear that I was hiding out from the Sabbat.  Was I speaking in f*cking tongues?  I do have a pager for this type of sh*t.  This dumb-@ss bastard almost went on a date at the f*cking harbor!  I should've let him die.  No one can be that stupid.  He probablly runs with the Sabbat--
Natasha: Spidee, slow down.  I understand that you are upset right now, but please refrain from the profanity.  What was his name?
Spidee:  Valence Williams.  Oh, and I'm not done by a longshot.  Then Veneficus comes through with some trenchcoat mafia @ss-hole who's pissed off at me because I didn't buy him a plane ticket. 
Natasha:  Spidee, again with the language.

(Ken Halo, able to listen in on the conversation with heightened senses, tries his best not to laugh.  Natasha tells him to behave, but Ken could've sworn that she never moved her lips...)

Spidee: <Sigh>, Okay, sorry.  Anyway, it's like damn near 90 degrees outside and he has on a trenchcoat and a rent-a-car.  Hello?  There's this thing called a Masquerade that is being undermined here!  In front of my house; like I don't have enough problems.  Oh, yeah.  This guy Valence tells me, TELLS me that I have to move out of my crib to make way for some other kindred that's coming through in a few days.  We are about to make a move to the southwest anyway, but that ain't the point.  Then Valence and Cornelius get into an arguement and Cornelius uses his finger as a lighter and threatens to burn my house down.
Natasha: Valence and who?

(Ken shakes his head)

Spidee:  The jerk that Veneficus brought with her.  His name is Cornelius Boulevard, of all of the dumbest names in the world.  Then he makes Ven go and get Kashim, who's doing chores at the Chantry.  Chores.  Like he's a f*cking-I mean freaking kid.  Then I get to watch Cornelius haze up Ven and Kashim, and then he TOLD them that they were going to be living with him. 
Natasha:  I'm sorry, hazing?
Spidee: Yeah, like he was pledging them or something.  Telling them where to sit and when to speak and stuff.  Then when they leave, he put's his trenchcoat back on, has this sh*t eating grin on his face and says, "Is this better?"  And then it started raining.  Are you listening to me?  It started raining.  That guy is bugging me out; I will not hesitate to kill him, you hear me?
Natasha:  Spidee, calm down.  You cannot go around arbitrarily killing kindred for making it rain.  He probablly just did all of that to intimidate you.  Who else was there with you?
Spidee:  Just my ghouls.  Gabriel went to go and see Nicolai, Carlito bounced and lord knows when he's coming back, Jack, I mean Jaquio went out to get some supplies and hasn't come back, and I'm assuming that Ken is with you.
Natasha: Oui, Ken is with me. <Natasha notes a small, subtle hint of jealousy>  I will contact Jared and and Siegfred to put them all in check.  If this Cornelius gives you any further problems or burns your house down, let me know. 
Spidee: That's not funny.
Natasha: It was a joke.  You need to lighten up a little bit, I said that I will handle it.  Anything else, mon ami?
Spidee: Umm, no.
Natasha: Okay then, good evening.
Spidee: Peace.