The consummate computer genius known as Jaquio had an overload of intelligence, but apparently common sense was null and void within the poor creature. The laws of karma and balance can be so unusually cruel. First, our tragic hero was sent to gather a computer and software to start out with. Hunger drove the beast to devour what was left of Jaquio's rational side. First, he called Spidee for a rid home, apparently forgetting the fact that Spidee gave him an additional $100 (!) for transportation. Upon securing a cab, Jaquio insisted that the cab driver change his course (the demon on his back known as the beast told him it was a good idea) and let him out. Upon trying to feed from this cab driver, Jaquio tried to hit the guy to knock him out, missed, and the cabbie promptly drove away. With the computer equipment still in the cab.

Realizing he was in a completely foreign neigborhood, Jaquio decided to hunt. After several hours, he accosted an old woman, drained her dry, left her in the back seat of her car (without licking closed her wound), and proceeded to drive to a gas station. Rather than return to Spidee's haven, in his inebriated stupor decided that he'd spend the day at a motel. Why the police never investigated the woman in the back seat is totally beyond anyone, but one would guess it is difficult to believe that there is an unconscious woman in the backseat of a car with two puncture wounds in her neck, as vampires don't really exist, right?

The next evening, Jaquio attempted to find Spidee's haven and got lost in Glen Burnie, and tried to return to Empire Towers, the headquarters of Jared Tice. Tice's ghouls, apparently as rude and arrogant as he is, dismissed Jaquio with ridicule and haste. Jaquio eventually buckled down and called Spidee, who was obviously pissed, and his ghouls got rid of the evidence of the Masquerade violation. Alas, it is difficult to be a Lasombra antitribu wanted by the NSA in a Sabbat city. May this wayward creatue rest in peace.