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Hiro Natas (pic)

Height: 6.1

Weight: 130

Occupation: Head Nobel of Tiridim

Hair Color: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Status: Single

Age: 47

Hiro lead the exploration group that killed Kyrin’s tribe. Kyrin doesn’t recognize him when they meet at Tiridim, but he knows what Kyrin is and wants him dead. Therefore a number of assassins are sent after Kyrin’s team by the order of Hiro. One of these assassins is Vince, another main char in the series. Hiro is secretly organizing an underground army to make an assault on a few nearby kingdoms. Hiro has a hatred for all things holy and worships power. His goal is to bring all kingdoms under one power, and to have a new form of world government system, instead of each kingdom rule itself.

E-Mail: Kyrin Vistall

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