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This is where I will list all of the chars that will be taking part in the SL. You will find profiles and stats on each char under there profile. There is also a great need for people willing to RP temporary chars. If you would like more info about temporary chars than email me.

**Note: Chars that are available have a "*" by the profile.**




Kyrin Vistall's Profile

Mian ta'Dar's Profile

Vince Arning's Profile

*Marc Videll's Profile*

*Kevin Vistall's Profile*

Hiro Natas' Profile

Soren Lancer's Profile




Lynn Videll's Profile

*Bridget Macall's Profile*

*Emily Lindem's Profile*

*Malissa Lindem's Profile*

Sharen Lancer's Profile



E-Mail: Kyrin Vistall

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