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The First Level of the Caves of Chaos:
The Wolfgut Tribal Caves

Copyright 2004 by Tori Bergquist, all rights reserved

Central Entry Chamber.
The gaping maw of the cavernous entrance is etched with the signs of millenia of occupation. The ceiling is stained with thick black soot, war paint and dried necrotic effigies are scattered along the walls, and the floor is trod flat with the passage of endless feet.
Seven brutish, blue-grey skinned, bristle-haired orcs, the Blyskanyu, with their ponderously fat guts and many chins beneath a crocodillian maw stare at you with beady eyes. "Halt, strangers," he speaks in a broken trade tongue. "You are in Wolfgut territory here!" He signals, and one of his men nervously move next to a polished steel mirror on a stand in the far corner of the entry chamber. Runes are etched on the reflective surface.

Here are stationed seven warrior blyskanyu (all warriors: five first level, two second level) at all times to prevent unlawful entry into the lair of the Wolfgut clan. Knowing the password ("May Baragnagor wallow forever more in the intestines of our slain enemies") will allow passage, but humans and demi humans giving this password will be looked upon suspiciously and escorted in. In the corner of the chamber is a large polished steel mirror. This mirror is enchanted by Glammorang, the Witch Doctor, who sees all who dare enter the sanctum sanctorum of the tribe. Should a dramatic fight ensue, and attackers siege the front entrance, this would allow reinforcements to be called. Under special circumstances, Glammorang can teleport 1d6 skeletons through the mirror, into the chamber, to strike.

2. The Grand Chamber of the War Chieftains. Here, the evening festivities of the tribe, war celebrations, executions, trials, and trade debates all occur. During the day, the PCs will likely enter this chamber to the throng of at least a hundred humanoid denizens participating in strange matters and affairs, all presided over by Lord Ookai-Galagos Madorag the second, and his advisor Glammorang. Occasionally, Sillatun or the Necromancer can be seen present. The activity will be one of the following, or a combination:
1 Rival tribe warriors of the Bloodfury gang, the Wargrinder tribe, an ogre clan, or the Silver Dagger clan bickering over territory or engaging in local trading
2 Merchants from Bargan or Trog, presenting exotic goods in exchange for money taken from the dead hands of the East Mountain Maddendur and Darendur dwarves.
3 An execution, of a woman-stealer, food thief, a rival tribe member, or a captured human or demi human.
4 gladiatorial sport, in which two rivals fight to the death, or one warrior champion stands against a captured manticore, an imported giant scorpion, a captured antille or giant spider.
Characters interrupting the proceedings will be rudely assaulted and brought to an immediate trial. Demi humans will always attract unwanted attention.

3. The Mausoleum of War. This lengthy catacomb region is haunted, both by possessing spirits, animated skeletons and zombies, and Huecuvas. All such creatures are servants of the Necromancer, who has quietly worked his magics to animate these fiends, and periodically uses them as leverage to encourage the Wolfgut tribe to do his bidding. The supernatural horror that the orcs feel for this now abandoned catacomb region and mausoleum keeps them in order.
The mausoleum itself has five major chambers which go to the chambers of forgotten War Chieftains. Each one is protected by a variety of traps which, while lacking cleverness, are certainly formidable to cross. These traps are ...
a. A lengthy spiked pit that runs the full length of the entry hall. The pit itself opens on to an unexplored cavern chamber below, which houses a nesting den of hooked horrors. The spikes protrude from twelve metal bars that have been lain across the bottom-most lip of the pit; a PC falling in has a 20% chance of missing the spikes entirely and slipping between; a Reflex Save at DC 16 will let him or her catch on to the bars as he goes by. The fall is worth10d6 damage and drops the PC 47 feet (kind GMs may allow for only 4d6 falling damage. I don't). A PC hitting the spikes will catch ld4 of them; each does ld4 damage, and any spike which does 4 points of damage has impaled the PC somehow, and a Fortitude Save at DC 18 must be made for the character to extract himself from the impaling spike.
Within this chamber are five entombed bodies, all animated as living skeletons. Each wears the partial plate armor of the Wolfgut tribe, and spiked bucklers. They all fight with scimitars; one scimitar is a +1, Keen weapon. Treasure in this chamber includes a golden horse statuette (worth 150 gp), 1700 sp, 893 gp, and thousands of copper.

b. This entry hall is guarded by a lone skeleton warrior, an ancient undead black orc wight who loyally served his chief-king, even into the afterlife. He will bar entry to all, and attack any who cross a line of chalk powder upon the floor; he will not cross the line himself. Being pushed across the line will result in the freeing of his spirit.
There is only one body entombed within, of a legendary war chieftain of old. He has been reanimated by the necromancer as a vampire servant. When PCs enter the tomb, he will not stir for five minutes. He wears the sacred orcish full plate armor of Okai +2, Leadership ( grants all properties of the Leadership feat while worn), and bears a Great Scimitar +1. On his head is a helm of telepathy. On the ground is at least 31,000 gp worth of treasure. When he arises, he will initially compliment them on the defeat of his guardian. Then, he will allow each PC to declare a challenge for the treasure they would leave with. Those who are stupid enough to take the challenge will likely die.
PCs who are smart will learn that he cannot cross the chalk outside, either ... blyskanyu orc vampires are repelled by it. He might try to trick a PC in to disturbing the chalk line, however....

c. This tomb is guarded by the ghost of an orcish priest, which will arise from the dust of the entry hall floor, form into a vague and horrifying shape, and shout hissing curses upon the PCs. Everyone must make a Will save DC 20 or flee in terror, remaking the save until they succeed each round. The door of the tomb is covered with Corpse Dust, a rotting fungal disease which, if touched, has the effects of mummy rot. The door itself is cemented shut, and the locks have been destroyed. Only a great feat of strength will open it.
The treasure and animated skeletons in this room are very much like in room a, but there are seven skeletons, and one ghoul. The ghoul is chained in a corner, lying down; it is still for two minutes, and only its peculiar lack of rot, plus strong stench will give it away before coming to life and attacking. It's chains prevent escape from the chamber.

d. At four random points along this entry hall are pressure plates (DC 18 to detect) which trigger and drop metal guillotines; releasing pressure in the plates (usually caused by a split body falling in different directions) causes a suction that pulls the fine steel plates back up into the roof. Spider webs on the roof are thick enough to disguise the exit slots (DC 22 to spot the slots). The only clue to doom here would be the fragmented, hewed bones lying everywhere.
Inside this chamber is nothing save shattered bones .... someone else has already looted here. But clever PCs will notice a secret door in the far wall, one which leads up to the third level, inhabited by the Necromancer. This winding cave tunnel is precarious to crawl up, and will require proficiency checks. Halfway up is a corpse and a warning etched with a knife in the wall. "I entered his lair, and escaped only this far. Turn back, lest ye fall to my same fate." PCs then will find a skeletal corpse hammered into the wall through the chest with pitons that were undoubtedly his own.... A knife with a blunted point is still clutched in the hand. The knife is -1 to damage because of this. It appears to have been forged in the city of Eastonia, by the signature of the pommel.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The House Chambers of the Clan. This string of corridors, smaller chambers, and larger community chambers make up the core of the tribal dwelling areas. Foolish adventurers who think they can just troop on through here should think twice; More than fifteen hundred orcs compose the Wolfgut tribe. In this nest of caverns can be found family chambers (4), community meeting chambers (5). the trade rooms (6), the wolf breeding chambers (7), guard chambers opening onto uncontrolled caverns (8), prayer rooms to Baragnagor and Wolfon (9), and so forth. Only PCs in good standing with the Wolfguts or disguised will be able to travel through these areas unquestioned.

10. The Prison Rooms and Dungeons. Here are the prisoners of the chieftain, enemies of the tribe, and those unfortunate enough to get a life sentence rather than a death sentence. This facility is run by the Executioner and Dungeon Master Gagarag, a Black Orc of great renown (seventh level Warrior). Under him are twenty orcish warriors who are in various areas of this dungeon, or off duty in the tribe chambers. The dungeon itself has a well-to-do torture chamber (a), prison cells (b), interrogation room (c), Fighting pens (d), and in a side passage, has a private sauna (e). This sauna, used by the elite of the community, is a hot spring warmed by volcanic activity in the mountain chain.

Entrance to the lower caverns. A great buttressed wall has been built across the closer entrance to this steep, sloping cave leading down into the darkness. Here, orcs and others are afraid to travel further on, knowing of the dreadful horrors below. Many spawn of Lord Vestillios, the Demiurge of Chaos's strange alchemical experiments were unleashed below, and many natural horrors lurk as well. The only known civilized groups to have ever come up from below include parties of wandering Darendur (Dep Dwarves), on their eternal quest for Mithril, mongrelmen from Vestillios's experiments (Chaos Beasts), and the Strange Mirrored Men, with dark formless cloaks and faces etched out of pure glass. Their strange preachings of the mysterious Codex Elch'dinominous are listened to with uncertain fascination by the tribe members until four days have passed and they leave, or the tribal shamans get in a huff and ask them to leave. A century ago, it is told, priests of Baragnagor, demon god of the Blyskanyu, grew enraged with certain things the Mirrored Men uttered, and attacked them. The Mirrored Men engulfed them in hellish magics, and the priests were destroyed.
Dotting the landscape outside the wall are pikes with the heads of orcish enemies mounted upon them. Adventurers walking deeper into the caverns will hear the crunch of dead chitinous shell, shed by the rotting bodies of Hooked Horrors picked off from the wall tops. Further down, the slope gets very steep indeed, and DC 15 Spot checks or anyone with the tracking feat are needed to locate the trail which runs narrowly down at a steep angle; a normal Dex check or Balance check at DC 14 on the trail will prevent injury. Failure means a plunge for 1d6x10 feet down before hitting something that stops the PC's descent.
Continuing from here leads to the Lower Caverns ...

The Second Level of the Caves of Chaos:

The Lair of the Antilles

The most famous inhabitants of the Second Level are the metamorphic Antilles, great insectoid beings of hulking, ominous stature that seem to have walked from the pages of either a Lovecraft tale or Kafka's Metamorphosis,or both. The Antilles are, in fact, the absorbed beings of other species who have been changed by the fluidic emissions of the Antille Queen, and a template may be used to create many such foes.
The Antille Template:
Antille may be added to any Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Beast, Magical Beast, Outsider or Vermin creature. Its type becomes Aberration. The creature must be exposed to the putrescent emission of an Antille Queen (if touched, the being must make a DC 18 Fortitude save once a day for three days in a row or it will gradually cocoon and change into an antille within ld6 weeks), or become immersed (only one Fortitude save at DC 22 is permitted, or cocooning happens immediately).
Antilles appear to be large, gistening, black-carapaced beetle-like beings, a bit like tall-standing cockroach-like beings with remarkably humanoid faces. A careful observer will notice the remnants of their base form, distorted, mashed, and blown outward to encompas their beastly exoskelton, four scythe-like pincers, two fat, stubby legs, a cluster of red eyes and two large feeding mandibles. They are clumsy, but horifically fast when running on all legs. Their beetle carapace is covered in decorative marks, which a sudent of the occult will recognize as diabolic signs of chaos, a quality of their chaotic origins. The whole purpose of Antille society is to propogate itself and serve the queen. When a female blossoms in to a new queen, she often tries to challenge the old queen, who will seek to destroy her. If she fails, the upstart may take over, or flee to another cavernous expanse to start a new colony.
Antilles are universally feared and reviled by all subterranean beings.
Size: Remains the same as the base creature. Queens become Huge size creatures.
Hit Die: Changes to D8, although original HPs are retained.
Speed: Speed of the creature is reduced by 10' to a minimum of 10' when walking. If they eliminate their chance of four pincer attacks and go on all six legs, their speed inceases by 10' instead.
AC: The creature gains a +6 natural armor class bonus.
Attacks and Damage: Antilles lose all former attacks and gain four pincer-arm attacks that do 1d8 damage apiece, as well as a mandible bite attack for 1d6 damage.
Special Attacks: The creature will retain all special attacks of the base creature, if any, which are breath/bite attacks, or touch attacks, but nothing else. It gains the following:
Putrid Spit (Ex): Every 1d3 rounds an Antille may spit a gob putrescent emissions at a target as a ranged missile attack (range increment 5'), which must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save or become stunned for 1d6 rounds and be capable of only partial actions.
Overrun (Ex): An Antille which drops to all of its legs may make a charge attack as per normal rules, but if successful, the target must make a Str check at DC 15 to avoid being knoced over and trampled. If knocked over, the antille immediately rolls a 1d4 to see how many pincers roll over its target, doing normal damage.
Metamorphosis (Su): Only queens have this ability, to emit a putrescent substance from their skin which can be gathered, tossed, or layered on victims, which must succumb to possible metamorphosis in to an antille (see text above). They emit this substance at will for combat purposes, and may spit it in plac eof the normal stunning bile of the putrid spit attack.
Spells: Only female Antilles retain full spell abilities. Any male with spell abilities will suffer from a reduction in those abilities after Intelligence, Wisdom, or other modifiers are applied.
Special Qualities: Same as base creature, plus scent, Dark Vision 80'. All Antilles must make a Will Save DC 22. If successful, they will retain a memory of their former lives and selves, and be considered "insane" by their new subspecies members. If they fail, then they lose all conscious (but not unconscious) memory of their former selves.
Saves: Same as base creature, but gains +4 to Fortitude.
Abilities: Abilities are as per the base creature, with the following changes: Str +6, Dex -2, Con +4, Int -2, Wis -2, Cha -4. A queen, of which a female undergoing the change has a 5% chance of becoming, has Str +8, Dex -4, Con +8, Int +4 Wis +0, Cha +2.
Skills: Antilles are especially sensitive to noise and have a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks.
Feats: Antilles gain multiattack as a bonus feat. Any feat which they cannot meet attribute or racial requirements for are lost.Likewise, only female Antilles or Queens retain metamagic feats.
Climate/Terrain: Subterranean/Underground only.
Organization: As a hive only, occasional groups of foragers/hunters looking for food or fresh converts.
Challenge Rating: Same as base character +1.
Treasure: None; treasure goes to the Queen's chambers, if she desires it.
Alignment: changes to Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil; old alignment retained if the Antille suffers no memory loss.
Advancement: Male antilles may only continue to advance as warriors, commoners, or experts. Female antilles may continue to advance as any former class which permits them to do so even with their change (no paladins, for example), and queens must continue as sorcerers, clerics, wizards, or fighters.

A Typical Antille Warrior: (Human Warrior, level 1, as Base)
AL LE; HD: 1d10+3 (13 hp); AC 15 (-1 Dex, +6 natural); Init: +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.); Att: 4 pincers+5 each (1d8+4 dmg apiece); mandibles +2 (1d6+2 dmg), Putrid Spit +0 (poison special); Overrun +7 (but -2 on AC as charge)(special damage); Feats, Other: Scent, Dark Vision, Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Power Attack; Fort +9, Ref -1, Will -1; Str 18, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 6; CR: 2.

1. This guard room, occupied by four level 1 orcs and 2 second level orcs is used to keep the dreaded Antilles from encroaching upon orcish territory. The orcs will warn anyone who enters away, but will also strongly question people who shouldn't be here in the first place. There is a large bell-chime of copper in this room, to be rung should the Antilles break through the door. Furniture, a bunk, table, chairs and small chest with 73 gp, are all in here as well.

2. Prayer gathering room. Every day at noon and night the antilles within the caves will gather here, entering one at a time, and give a silent prayer of devotion to the statue of Kathack, chaos god of insects. At all times there is a single antille priest within the room overseeing prayers and the protection of the statue (which, by the-way, is made of pure gold, worth 1000 G.P.). The priest is a fourth level follower of Kathack. In the shadows above lurks a guardian giant spider.
The chamber itself is strewn with ornate webs, oddly inscribed paper made from the muccous skin extract of the antilles, and given forth as prayer, along with oddly burning incense that will cause a euphoria in those who breath it for a turn or more if they fail a Fortitude Save DC 18. This euphoria will slow all reactions, lower attacks by 1, and make all Dex or Reflex checks at -4. It has no effect on insectoids other than a peaceable sense of godliness. The walls of this chamber are inscribed with the tale of the mysterious antilles, about their underworld trek from the barren lands of old, and their persecution at the hands of the mysterious "Nonmen". Scholars will find this hard to decrypt, but fascinating. Locked in the tales is a clue, that the place of emergence from this world spanning cavern can be found in the fourth peak of the Chaos Mountains.

3. The sacred place of growth for the antilles. Whenever an antille out-grows his old skin, he proceeds to this place to exit his old skin. The skin is then taken and burned before the statue of Kathack in room 2 as a sacrifice. This room is caked with mucous extract, and will likely have between one and eight antilles in the process of the change, which can take up to two weeks. Overseeing this will be one to three first level acolytes, and two warriors to guard the process.
Antilles skin will serve as a powerful healing salve for up to forty eight hours after it has been shed; placing it on a wound for several hours will heal ld8 points of damage. It can be used, when dried and powdered, in healing potions.

4. The queen's breeding chambers. In here is the huge pulpy body of the antille queen (Antile, former Human, Sorcerer 12 Fighter 4, LE). She is guarded at all times by 4 antille warriors (Antille Warriors 4, LE). The queen herself is caught up in a lotus-induced stupor and will have to make a Will Save at DC 18 to emerge from her strange dreams to defend herself or interract with others. She is about forty feet long, and composed primarily of the gestation sack in which the eggs incubate. The horrifying reality of her transmogrifying powers can be seen here, as dozens of mutated victims fill the chamber. Her eggs are really the encased bodies of animals and humanoids, captured by the warriors and gatherers, then brought here to be transformed by her strange extracts. The product of the queen can be used in potions of polymorphication, and anyone exposed to the pure substance who fails a DC 18 Fortitude save once a day for three days in a row will gradually cocoon and change into an antille within ld6 weeks. Only potent healing, curse removal, or polymorphing spells (at GM's discretion) will reverse the change.

5, 7, 8. Recreational Areas. Each of these rooms serve as a rest and relaxation room for the Antilles. There are always ld6 antilles in each room resting or engaging in their strange mental games which involve abstract philosophical discussions. These discussions almost invariably deal with concepts which are intentionally diverted from any relation to reality; the constant devotion to such interests by the gatherers and workers acts as a placebo to their minds, insuring their obedience.

6. The Sanatorium. Here, antilles that have a sudden memory recall of their previous life, or which go through the change and are overwhelmed by the gestalt memory of the race, are placed here until the priesthood can cure their minds. At least a dozen are incarcerated here, and four guards and a priest are always watching them.

9. Storage room. In here can be found various things that the antilles enjoy eating such as elf, tree bark, human, orc, and troll (they are omnivores). Two antilles stand guard at all times
against raiders. The antilles also grow prolific quantities of underground moss, lichen, mushrooms, and other such foods for a normal staple diet. Such products are located in the large exterior chambers. The side prison chambers contain victims who have not been killed yet for food, or brought to the incubation chambers for the change. These prisoner-victims include ...
Rastlus Mandavarin (Half Einurian elvish Warrior 2, Rogue 3 CG)
Banagan Grimmergore (Blyskanyu orc rogue 4 NE, sentenced to death)
Mangerius the Sly (Human rogue 4 NE outlaw)
Persidia Lenederon (human Aristocrat 1 LN, daughter of a wealthy galonian merchant, captured by Mangerius for ransom three weeks ago)
Two large wolves
Six kobolds
A wounded, crippled griphon
A dying Elk
The animals and kobolds are kept in the largest chambers; the kobolds have all been chained together and chained to the wall to prevent any escape. If you need to replace a fallen PC with a newly generated character, or want to utilize one of the existing NPCs to flesh out the party, this is a good point to do it.

10. The Forgotten Priest Chamber. In this room can be found four black, blood stained robes and saxes (long daggers). Old and barely visible foot prints can be seen on the ground if a perception check is made. The robes bear runic markings indicating a connection to the cult of Dalroth (the Fallen Lord of Chaos), but are quite old and unwearable, now. The eerie absence of recent intrusion into this room would suggest caution.
Anyone lingering for more than three rounds will draw the attention of an invisible stalker, which will strike at random until the party leaves.

11. A small underground spring surfaces here. This is where the antilles get their water. Other creatures do not mess with this area of the spring, however, as strange old magics emanating from deeper within the mountain have corrupted it. Drinking from the water will require a Will Save at DC 20, which if failed will result in one of the following effects, lasting 2d10 turns (spells will be as if cast by a 15th level wizard): 1- gaseous form, 2 - loss of memory, 3 - cause light wounds, 4 - feeblemind, 5 - stoneskin, 6 - blindness.

12. The central larvae pit room. The 10 foot deep pit encompassing the room is filled with a stenchous slime and gory mix which always has 3d6 larvae swimming in it. The larvae of the antilles have a 6 week metamorphosis period and during this time protect themselves from predators with their vicious bite. The bite is poisonous (Fortitude Save DC 16 Str loss 1d6; Secondary damage: 1d2 permanent Str loss). There are always 2 antilles caring for the larvae in here. Each larvae still retains a vague characteristic reflecting their original species before the change.

13. Waste Hole.
This hole slowly gets smaller until it is only 1x1 foot when it reaches the surface. The hole is used by the local denizens as a waste disposal unit. Riddling the hole are smaller passages through which carrion crawlers move about. They take care of anything that doesn't make it all the way through the chute. They have within their horde of strange junk a Shortsword +2, Flametongue, lost when the body of a great warrior was stuffed down here to be devoured, by assassins who did not know of the sword's special nature. The sword is called Kragmondar, and also radiates heat in the presence of a person who intends harm within 60 feet of it's wielder. It obviously was ignored at the wrong time ....

14. Bark Chamber. In here is a special storage room containing a rare tree bark which is fed to the larvae to make them grow stronger when they hatch to full form. Astute characters will realize that the bark scraped off of Skywood trees along the mountain slopes has been going here, which of course means the Antilles have a secret passage out. In fact, that
secret passage is located behind a veil of webs in one corner of this room; the guardian of this exit is another monstrous spider servant of theAntilles. Detecting the exit takes a Search check at DC 18, and if everyone fails a DC 16 Spot check then the spider ambushes the nearest PC, catching him flat-footed.

15. Tool room. Here is where the antilles take their victims and divide them up into the necessary parts. The intestines make good gathering sacks, the bones make handy tools, the meat is good for eating, and the scalps make fine decoration (just look at the walls of the room. Its lined with scalps, and not just humans). There are always 2 antilles in here working on things that the gatherers bring back from their journeys.
Careful observation of the work of the artificers will reveal among the grizzly remains an enchanted bag of holding, but no good character would use this bag, sewn from the flesh of demi humans and enchanted by the magic of Kathack.

16. Room of many spikes. Walking through this room, the players will see a long row of spikes from door to door in a pit in the hall. Along each side of the pit is a short and crossable ledge (from door to door). If anyone fails to make an Will Save or Int check at DC 22 (this must be declared), then no one will notice the illusion about this trap. Anyone taking the ledge will find it to be an illusion covering a row of spikes along the "pit", while stepping in the spiked pit will reveal it to be an illusion covering solid ground! Damage to the unfortunate is 2d6 and their movement rate cut in half until fully healed.

17. The Master Armory. All doors to this room are wizard locked (DC 28 to open) so that none may enter the room save the inhabitant. Inside virtually every weapon and set of armor is available in pairs. The only catch is the guy sitting in the chair surrounded by smithing tools who made the weapons. Here dwells Marthalux the Demon (cambion, Fighter 10, CE) and he doesn't take kindly to borrowers of his weapons'. If he is reduced to 15 HP or less, then he will disappear in a puff of dust to warn Sillatun Thinbone of the invaders. Marthalux has the unique ability to teleport with uncanny skill at will within 200 feet. During combat, he will use this ability to its maximum. When he teleports, all characters must make a Spot check at DC 18 to avoid losing track of his new location. Failure means that they get a -4 to hit that round, and Marthalux gets a +4 to hit. Marthalux is not a true demon; he is a cambion, half demon spawn created from the ancient merger of a Balor Prince and a human woman (Marthalux's ancestors were brought together by the ancient Alchemist Macabeth and he and his cousins have since hired their services throughout Lingusia).

18. The weapons shop buyers room. All who enter This room will see a small bony man who appears to have no contents other than an old skin and skeleton sitting behind a counter. In front of him is an ancient tome depicting and pricing every weapon available (all costs are double normal). The skeletal man will introduce himself as Sillatun Thinbone, a wizard of high stature and merchant of the weapons shop. If the characters buy any weapon, then Sillatun will clap his hands and out of nowhere the cambion Marthalux from room 17 will appear with the weapon bought. The gold will be taken by Sillatun and put in a small black pouch. Sillatun himself is a nineteenth level, neutral evil mage.
Sillatun runs the store of weapons and Marthalux makes them. Together they've made quite a profit selling weapons to the local denizens. Both are feared by the Antilles and are so left alone. The bag at Sillatun's side is a portable hole gifted to him from the Antille priesthood. It is currently used by Sillatun for holding gold (967 G.P. and 1652 S.P. total). Sillatun has no weapons or armor.
Sillatun's story is a strange one. A few centuries ago, he was a Conjurer practicing chaos magic in the service of the legendary Xauraun Vestillios. When Xauraun's first manifestation at the millenia's end failed in his conquest and he was destroyed by the heroes of Hyrkania, he and many other servants of the dark lord were left with no direction. His dark alchemical and technomantic practices were left without direction. For a while, Sillatun worked with the Cabal of Macabeth, but when that collapsed and he lost contact, Sillatun turned in desperation to supplying goods to the local forces of the Chaos mountains. Now, quietly, he has been building up his power and information base, discreetly gaining power in the underworld of Mitra's Forest and the Chaos Mountains, even as far south as Bargan and the Bear Caverns, while acting under the guise of an innocent weapon's dealer. Most recently, he has been recontacted by the new, much more powerful incarnation of Lord Vestillios as the new Demiurge of Chaos, and been consripted, reluctantly, in to supplying magical arms an armor for the elite Praetorian Guard of the City of Trog in the east.
The back chambers of this dealership are his laboratory (A), bed chamber (B), study (C), and dining chamber/kitchen (D). Serving him are four permanently created invisible servants, each one equivalent to a medium sized stone golem with permanent invisibility cast on it.

This secret chamber was devised as a means of getting around the pit in front easily. It is located on a perception or secret doors check.

20. This pit is easily seen and if goes from wall to wall. Shimmying along the sides requires a DC 16 Climb check. The pit is 10 feet deep and damage from falling in is 1d6. However, the walls are smooth and unblemished sandstone; climbing out without gear is next to impossible (DC 24). Within thirty minutes of falling in, if a PC hasn't escaped, 2d6 Blyskanyu orcs will appear in a patrol, then pull the PC up and take him captive or kill him if resistance is offered.

21. Here lies the spirit box of Thelos. Thelos is a famous and evil spirit who lures living beings into his lair so as to devour their souls. He can take on a misty shape of a long fanged horror. All of those who are within areas 10, 19, 20, or 21 must make a DC 21 Will Save to keep from impulsively going into room 21 where Thelos awaits. Any who do and are attacked and drained to death by this Spectre find that Thelos has devoured their soul. Thelos does no physical damage. Those who have their soul eaten are doomed to whither away in a matter of hours unless a local necromancer can be found to combat Thelos for the soul. If Thelos is defeated by a necromancer, then the character regains his soul, levels and is restored to perfect health in 1d6 days. At the same time the dust within the room will take shape and formulate into his past victims (2d6 of them at GMs discretion), who will also revive (however, they revivie minus 1 level per year they were dead, to a minimum of 1st level. They also must make Int checks at DC 15 +2 per year dead; failure means total memory loss of their former life, and they return to life as fighters, commoners, or rogues). When fighting Thelos, if the robes are used from Level 2, Room 10 then Thelos will act as if Rebuked by that character. The daggers found there also always do damage to him. These are the remains of ancient implements left by several Dalrothian sorcerers who worshipped Thelos and gave him sacrifices while wearing the robes for protection. The robes and knives are normal in all other cases.

The Third level of the Caves of Chaos:
The Abandoned Level

1. Entry Chamber. The door has been locked and barred from outside, but is not difficult to enter through either side. the PCs will see heaps of rubble from a partially collapsed the Inside, roof . A den of six dire rats have made a nest here. Digging through the rubble will lead to a 10% chance per turn of the roof collapsing again, causing 1d6 damage.

2. Forgotten Priest Chamber.
One of the many ancient rooms. chiseled and carved out of the caverns by the long-dead priests of Dalroth who once dwelt here, this forgotten chamber contains shattered furniture, scattered bones, and crushed skulls. Several ancient sacrificial daggers litter the floor, with tattered robes, blankets, and broken chests. About thirty copper pieces are scattered around. A careful search will reveal a small piece of parchment that states "...and upon finding that they key to entry lies within the resting place of the dead Anyu. The rest of the parchment is missing, as if burnt.

3. The Warrens of the Kobolds. These despicable little Miniglir have taken up residence within the narrow cave passages once inhabited by giant rats, carrion crawlers, and other vermin. Anyone other than smaller demi humans must stoop down to move about, and must occasionally even get on all fours. The Warrens consist primarily of guard chambers (a), community chambers (b), harvest rooms (c), fighting pits (d), prison rooms (e), elite chambers (f), and trade halls (g).
There are about three hundred kobolds and countless younglings dwelling here. They hunt giant rats, spiders, and carrion crawlers for food, while trading with orcs, darendur, and sniverfeblin. They do, occasionally, rise up into great hunting groups and attempt a coup on some East Mountain Maddendur outpost.

4. The Stale Lake. This ancient body of still water has pooled here and never drained out of the cave. It is a major source of water both for the orcs and kobolds cavern passages wind to both tribelands and warrens.
The lake itself has giant albino blind monstrous dire killer frogs dwelling in it, which will surface and attack only if PCs linger too long. There is a 20% chance at any given time that a water party of armed kobolds, or a dozen or so female orcs accompanied by two male warriors will enter to fill jars with water.

5. The Great Chamber. This huge chamber is long, irregular, and filled with dozens of side passages leading to other areas of the Caves of Chaos and to East Mountain. It is a major source of traffic for the many denizens of the caves.
Crude writing in orcish and Ashtarth (dark elf), as well as cryptic glyphs of unknown origin and readable only by magic will indicate directions and correct passageways to get to the Iron City of Kurtzas of the Darendur dwarves, Southward passages to the Thyzzakoni (Red Orc) city of Bargan, Eastward to the Utter Deeps where only Hyshkorrid Mind Flayers and Ashtarth Dark Elves dwell, and three more passages to orcish-dominated territories for the Grimdeath, Bloodyspear, and Bowelsplitter clans, as well as a warning to stay well away from a tunnel that leads to, "The Infernal Deeps of the Mountain," a place which subterranean guides will only say contains a series of passages with portals to firey and infernal realms.

6. The Resting Place. This is a chamber crafted carefully by Darendur dark dwarves to serve as a place of resting in their questings. A pool of water is in the center of the room, and a fine stone furnace of rock is not too far away. Dwarvish grafitti can be found all over the stones in here. It is possible the place might be in use when the PCs show up.

7. The Piercer Chamber. This vast chamber houses strange underworld mushrooms and fungus, as well as dreadful piercers all over the roof. A Move Silently roll, or Hide check at DC set by the Piercer's Spot checks must be made to get through undetected.

8. Pond of the Abalin. This still pool is devoid of life near it; an abalin hunts these waters. Rumors amongst the subterranean tribes suggest that the Abalin was spawned from an egg spat forth by the sleeping Kraken Ambrogasia, a god-like being with the body of a giant and head of an octopoid which rests in the deepest bowels of the Caves of Chaos,though none remember how to get there.
The Abalin is always hungry, and cares little for other than food.

9. Chamber of the Forgotten Battle. Old, rusted weapons, scattered bones, and partially intact skeletons mark this forgotten battle. Many of the remains are of dwarves and orcs. In the center of the old cavern is a blackened, heavily burned region. The site itself has been thoroughly looted, but anyone searching here has a 10% chance of locating a weapon in good enough shape to be easily fixed up with the right proficiency. In the center of the chamber is a single stone with an old orcish symbol of victory etched upon it. Beneath this symbol are darendur grafitti runes, which read, "The Lost are Mourned. They Died for Naught. Now their souls quest ever on."

10. The Chamber of the Hopeful Vein. Within this lengthy passage, towards the end, is a Darendur mining operation. This crew of thirty thinks they have found a vein of mihtril, and are pursuing it in great hope. Much of what they are actually getting is copper, and small amounts of iron. Still, they are certain that they will come across something. The darendur are neutral to all but kobolds, whom they have recent cause to despise, as the foul things tried to steal from them a few weeks ago. They will be dispassionate and potentially abuse to non darendur dwarves. They will offer all the copper and iron they have if the PCs have valid information on the location of mithril. They can also shed light on the battle room, if the PCs have been there and inquire, explaining that the dwarves were Iron, and came on a revenge attack against the Wolfguts, but were overwhelmed and in their retreat were caught in that chamber and fought to the last dwarf. This happened about forty years ago. Oddly enough, they say, it is not the first time a losing battle has been fought in that chamber, and tales have gone on for a long time about its curse on warriors. (this is all a legend, without truth).

11. The Passage to the CravenSkull Tribes. This passageway is guarded by orcs of the Cravenskull tribe, and they are extremely paranoid of anything that comes out of the Southwest caverns. They only enter to capture kobold slaves or raid Wolfgut tribelands. There are usually about 3d6 guards here, led by an intermediate warrior of 3rd level. A clever approach can catch them off guard. The Cravenskulls are a poorlot; the average tribesman is armed with a shortspear or club, leather armor, and 2d6 silvers.

12. The passage to Gnoll lands. Gnolls are feared and suspected by all around here. The gnolls are happy to preserve this reputation. PCs would have to go a couple miles down these winding cavern passages before getting to their territory, however.
The Gnolls enjoy cultivating war beasts, and rely on these trained abominations to guard their expansive tunnels. There is a 15% chance per thirty minute period of stumbling on a trained Hooked Horror, Dire Wolf, Monstrous Spider, or Monstrous Scorpion, and a 30% chance that one or two gnoll handlers will be with the guardian beast.

13. The passage to the Minotaur Mazes. This passage eventually enters the area of the mad Mishrag Bullman Zeladnagar. He has planted a false note, seemingly dropped by accident from a diary, speaking of how close some unknown party is to the vast treasure beyond. This is a lure, of course, to get people to keep moving on.
Zeladnagar is an especially powerful Minotaur will maximum hit points. He periodically heads out in to the wilderness to seek out human or demihuman women for mates, and has three sons (Minotaurs must find women of other species to propogate with). When wandering the maze, there is a reasonable chance of encountering his sons, and a 10% chance Zeladnagar is out looking for fresh wives. Likewise, his sons do most fo the trading with the other subterranean tribes, and so it is possible to find them visiting other levels.
Hidden within the maze is their treasure lair, which consists of stolen loot and the robbings of orcish and deep dwarvish tombs totalling 7,000 gp in artifacts, statues, raw coin, crude stones, and non-magical arms and armor.

SPECIAL: The Lair of the Manticore
This particular lair is marked for the amount of bones and carrion debris everywhere from the victims of the Manticore. Partially sealed to make smaller exits for the Manticore by the local chaos-kin who fear the beast, it is tolerated as a favorite way to kill prisoners in an especially brutal manner. Usually under cover of a new moon, prisoners will be taken out and staked and chained to the front entry of the lair, and bets will be made as to how many pieces the victims are rent in to.
The Manticore is a proud, angry beast, and immortal, some say. It is suspected to be a favored pet of the Necromancers, a child transformed by curse a millenia ago and kept immortal by it's father. The Manticore is easily wooed by attractive demihuman and human women; A DC 12 Cha check for women will result in it's amorous pursuit, and it will not harm the charmer.

The Fourth Level of The Caves of Chaos:
The Lair of the Necromancer

The Necromancer's name is forgotten in time, but some think he is, or at least was called Ron Gathanalan. He has been a known resident of the Caverns for seven centuries now, was allied with Xauraun Vestillios when he returned nearly 370 years ago, and has long been established as a subtle and dangerous political motivator in the Chaos Mountains. The Wolfgut tribe received protection from him in exchange for the provision of services and goods. Three other tribes of the mountains have claimed allegiance to this dark specter, and countless ancient graveyards, mausoleums, and burial sites have been touched by his dark magics. The Great Old Road of the southlands of Mitra's Forest, haunted forever by the Headless Horseman, is said in at least one myth to have been cursed into his current state by the Necromancer for daring to oppose him. Others claim that the demons which overwhelmed Dethosid were sent by the Necromancer and not Orcus or Degalthor.
The Necromancer is a seventeenth level wizard. He is not yet a liche, although much of his current study revolves around this eventuality, as the effectiveness of life-extending potions wanes over time. He has extended his life through these potions of longevity, and one of the four teleportation portals in his lair leads to Hotepsala, the Jaguar Lands, and its legendary Spring of Youth. He is rumored to have been an original member of the near-mythical Wizards' Council of Twelve, one of the nameless ones that avoided assassination. If this is true, then that means that other council members may have escaped death as well.

The Necromancer (Ron Gathanalan?)

Human male, Age 800+, Neutral Evil, Necromancer (Wizard) Level 17
HD 17d4+17 (61 hps); AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Amulet of Protection); Init +2
Att: +8/+3 base; +5 Quarterstaff of Whithering +13/+8 or two-weapon attack +11/+6/+11 (1d6+5/1d6+5, special effects); +3 Dagger of Kavishkar, Keen +11/+6 (1d4+3 plus DC 16 Will Save or 2d6 temporary Con damage)
Items: Cloak of Etherealness; Ring of Disguise (+30 Disguise attempt); Potion of Full Heal; Gem of Truesight, Potions of Longevity (3 on person at all times; extend life of drinker 1d10x10 years.)
All of the Necromancer's items are enchanted with a ward that triggers an explosive glyph when touched by one other than himself (Fort save DC 18 for 1/2 damage; damage 5d6 from either 1-2: flames, 3-4: lightning, 5-6 negative energy burst).
+6 Ref +7 Will +13
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 17 Cha 5
Feats: Summon Familiar (Homunculus named Jezareth); Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Maximize Spell, Craft Staff, Forge Ring, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Combat Casting, Spell Mastery: Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ghoul Touch, Scare, Spectral Hand, Alter Self, Halt Undead, Vampiric Touch, Contagion, Enervation, Fear, Animate Dead, Magic Jar, Circle of Death, Control Undead, Finger of Death, Etherealnes, Clone.
Skills: Alchemy +25, Concentration +18, Craft: Bonescupting +15, Kowledge: Arcana +25, History +20, Religion +20, Planar Lore +20, Scry +24, Spellcraft +25.
Languages: Middle Tongue, Orcish, Auldspeak, Old Tongue, Ashtarth, Infernal.
Spell Book:
The Necromancer knows all PH spells from 1st through 5th level, and all Necromancy, Evokation, and Chronomancy spells through 9th level.
Spells: 0 lvl - 4, 1st - 6, 2nd - 5, 3rd - 5, 4th - 5, 5th - 5, 6th - 4, 7th - 3, 8th - 2, 9th - 1.

Every chamber of the Fourth Level is Scried by the Necromancer, and he gets a Spot Check at DC 12 (or the Hide value of the PCs) whenever they enter a new room) to become aware of them through his special otherworldly connection to his personal domain.

1. Entry Chamber. Barred by a magically locked door (DC 28 to unlock, DC 32 to break down), only those who have cause to enter or the interest of the Necromancer may enter. To defeat the spell preventing all entry requires a dispel magic vs. 17th level.
On the other side of the door is a small lobby, comfortable and carefully disguised with an illusion to look like a pleasant manor house comfort room. The butler of this room who will greet and serve any welcome guests is Halikak, a Spinagon bound into the service of the Necromancer. Halikak will handle intruders with his bag of bones, which will generate 2d10 skeletons when cast upon the ground.

2. Hall of Learning. This great hall holds a fantastic mural depicting the siege of the City of Kovanis, lost to the sands of the Hyrkanian Desert two millenia ago. The mural does, for the scrutinizing eye, hold the key to the location of this fabled city in one scene. A competent scholar can locate a Slithotendan mountain peak, align it with a great white rock jutting by itself from the sands, and the Solar Equinox in the sky. This legendary city was said to be the heart of the Empire of the Fertile Lands, and any explorer worth his weight in salt would heartily seek it out.
Also upon the wall are depictions of a tall, gaunt man who is born, raised a noble, and crowned a young elevasos (king) of Hyrkania. One vast mural depicts nothing but a startlingly life-like scene of scribes working away in a scriptorium.
All of these images are startlingly realistic. Anyone touching them will find that they can pass through and in to the images. The following results occur (roll 1d6):
1-2 Passing into the scene overlooking Kovanis will place the PC either into a pleasant day, in which the city is at its height of splendor, or into a terrible battle, as the hordes of chaos descend upon its walls in terrifying fury. Either way, the result is completely real to the PC; this is not an image, but a warping of the strange time-control magics harnessed by the Necromancer through his Cauldron of Hideous Temporality.
3-4 Passing into any of the scenes with the young noble will transpose the PC into a period four centuries past. The PC will receive a warning from the young man, that his fate is sealed and he would beg the PC to kill him before he becomes the minion of evil. Just before this can happen, however, a searing, painful voice will shout "No!" and the PC will be expunged from the wall. A Fortitude Save DC 18 must be made to avoid catatonia for 1d6 hours.
5-6 Entering the scriptorium scene will reveal a legendary scriptorium of Nistur, lord of Knowledge. The scribes there will offer to impart a spell upon a scroll to the PC, in exchange for a gift of singular beauty. The Spell will be no more than three levels over the wizard's spell casting capacity. The character returns to reality in one hour.

3. The Private Quarters. Here can be found the bed chamber (a), study (b), bathing chamber/sauna (c), and exhibit room (d) of the Necromancer. He is likely to be here at any given time, usually quite relaxed. His study, while looking tempting to any PC, is really a place of relaxation; a studious eye will notice many current books have been copied and placed here, including Atlases of the Eternal Order. The books (about 50 in all), while worth money, are nothing especially significant, except for seventeen old codices in a magically sealed, fire trapped case (DC 18 to detect, DC 26 to disarm). These are all scribed in Auldspeak, and are the last volumes of the sacred Library of Kovanis. To the right people this books would be worth 50-100 gp apiece. There are twenty volumes .... the three sets on necromancy, Evokation, and chronomancy are all missing.
Anyone who finds 2d6 weeks time to read some of these books can gain a permanent +2 circumstance bonus to their Knowledge: Ancient History skill and may learn to speak and read Auldspeak.

4. The First Pentagram. Within this locked chamber is a pentagram leading to a hidden chamber in the Palace of Hotepsala, in the Jaguar Lands of Eastern Amech. Standing in the pentagram and offering a small amount of one's own blood (or another's) with candles lit will teleport the PC there. On the other side is another pentagram, to allow for a return.

5. The Second Pentagram. This teleports the PCs to a back alley in the Capitol City of Hyrkan'ien, but it is one way... The return pentagram is inscribed on the basement floor of the Blue Balrog Tavern a quarter mile away.

6. The Third Pentagram. This pentagram leads to a secret Cabal chamber in the evil city of Hyrendan that has long since been forgotten by the secret society in question. It has a secret exit that leads out to the Silver Dagger Bar and Inn. Anyone emerging who is noticed by the barkeep and bouncers will be quietly waylaid and beaten until they state their nature and purpose. The pentagram is two ways, but the return trip requires a secret code word "Asphix", which is inscribed in small letters on a stone in the starting chamber (spot check DC 15 to locate).

7. The Fourth Pentagram. This pentagram opens onto a private room within the mansion of Lady Phallikoskis .... yes, the Necromancer does, indeed, have a connection to the Black Company. This pentagram is two ways, but the return trip requires a true sacrifice of a life. Lady Phallikoskis is a necromancer vampire who dwells in the great Capitol City of Octzel, but this passage could open to any convenient den of evil in another part of the world....

8. The Morgue. Within this terrible mausoleum of experimentation are numerous corpses. The chamber is kept magically at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and PCs locked in here for a long time without protection will suffer from the effects of cold (1d6 damage per hour). There are at least a dozen corpses which have been taken apart, sewn back together in various creative shapes, and animated. All are horrifying animated zombies (9) and ghouls (3). Presiding over this monstrous assembly is a man known only as Doctor Gallimaris, who is himself a Hagarant Undead (Greater Mummy, former human, Cleric 12, CE). He is armed with a Wand of Lightning (5d6 damage, 12 charges), which will invigorate himself or any zombie he hits with it, healing damage done to any zombies with points of damage rolled instead of injuring them.

9. The Master Laboratory. Within this dreadful chamber is the real source of the Necromancer's interests and learning. The Cauldron of Hideous Temporality, an ancient artifact with a Helix of Magic locked into it, is set in the center of the chamber on a pedestal. An open cage is within, and no one presently inhabits it. The lab is overseen at all times by Felgor, a twisted Flesh Golem who loyally and eternally serves the Necromancer. Felgor has one limitation, he is completely blind. He does know the layout of the lab intimately, however.
The Cauldron of Hideous Temporality is a magical artifact which can be used by any spell caster who attempts a Spellcraft check at DC 30 or Scry check at DC 26. The Cauldron performs any combination of the following effects three times per day on a successful scry check: Truesight, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Augury, Divination. The Cauldron will perform once of the following once per day on a spellcraft check: Haste, Blur, Heal, Harm, or one of the following effects once per week: Teleport, Cloak of Chaos, or Circle of Doom. Every time a spell effect is called upon, it's default point of radiance is the cauldron. Likewise, each time it is used, the user must take 1d3 temporary Con and Wis damage, unless a DC 16 Fortitude check is made, in which case only 1 point of Con and Wis damage is taken. The cauldron weighs about 200 lbs, and must be filled with bubbling fluid, intermized with the body parts of a fresh, intelligent sacrifice to work (Int 10 or better required!). Any good being using this is looking at an alignment change.

10. Library. This is the library the PCs want to find. In here are the three missing tomes of the Kovanis Collection. Each set of tomes contains the complete spells to the Evokation, Necromancy, and Chronomancy schools (2d6 books in each collection). The Chronomancy book requires the Cauldron to complete all spells, however. (You can substitute another school for Chronomancy; I prefer the Chronomancy schools outlined in AEG's Magic resource, or the old 2nd edition resource.)
Guarding this chamber is a mimic pair. The couch in this room, and the end table next to it, are both mimics which have more cunning and intelligence than normal. They will not allow any books to leave this chamber.

11. Abandoned Room. This room is unused. The floor holds a fantastic stucco of the Nobleman's head from the Hall of Learning; a secret door in the eye opens into the tunnel leading down into the old Mausoleum of the Orcs (Level 1, Room 3) in the First Floor. This hidden trap door can be pried open with a dagger, but is not otherwise latched. A magical alarm will go off silently to alert the Necromancer when it has been opened.

12. The Hall of Evil. This hall seems to go on for hundred of feet. Every twenty feet is a suit of fully encased suit armor, which does not budge save to shrug off anyone that pushes them around or defend themselves from attack (they are animate, but act only on special orders of a mysterious nature. Treat them as Iron Golems). The hall never ends ... mist at the end gets gradually thicker until nothing can be seen. PCs who dare to pursue further will eventually need to make a Spot check at DC 16, and failing that a Reflex Save at DC 14, or they will step off a ledge into a very deep natural cavern that stretches all the way down into the lower caverns. The drop is fatal, although a tough Monk might survive. Success on the spot check means they detect the ledge in time. If the PC fails the Reflex save but made it if it was DC 10, then he falls, but grabs on to a ledge 2d10 feet below, taking only 1d3 damage from the shock of having his arm wrenched. Without aid, he will have to make a DC 20 Climb check to get back up top.
Any character spending more than five minutes in the mist must make a Will Save at DC 14. Failure means that he will develop an evil disposition while in the mists. This will provoke him into one spontaneous evil act later on...

13. The Black Room.
This is the private chamber of Halikak, painted in the blood of many enemies. A small pentagram allowing him a connection to Hell is located within, and a cage with four frightened kobolds and one orcish child is located in here (for unnameable acts).

14. Chamber of the Gibbering Mouther. This old chamber was once a place of ancient worship for Dalroth. Now, lurking in the shadows of this shattered shrine is a gibbering mouther, seeking to destroy any who dare enter. It will seek to avoid detecting before rushing forth in a cacaphony of wails to attack. Anyone who inspects the shrine itself will find the altar at the center is movable, and contains a small hollow, filled with a lighter-than-air green gas, which is in fact the trapped gaseous form of a very weak but hungry vampire who will disperse his form for a time and then follow the party, awaiting a moment to strike and seek sustenance. This vampire is a forgotten priest named Klyth Nadar, who was cursed for his ineptitude to guard the hidden cache of the shrine. He starts with ninimum hit points until he feeds. (Klyth Nadar, Vampire, Human, Cleric Level 6, CE.)
The hollow cache contains three rubies worth 500 gp apiece, and a Chaos Mace of Disruption, +3, which any good or lawful being must make a Fortitude Save at DC 14 to wield every time it is picked up or suffer 1d3 temporary Con damage from illness. The holder of the mace may cast Bane and Protection from Good once per day with it, each.