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The Ancient Empires Campaign:
Deities and Priesthoods of Rome

The following priesthoods are groups to which a clerical PC would belong, and some notes on any limitations which should be applied are mentioned. Pick one when starting this class.

The Numina: The general definition of a priest in Rome, this covers any sort of priest who is of scholarly and aristocratic pursuit, dedicated to the state religion. If you wish to have a somewhat unfettered cleric who can travel or has enough standing to be important, but not enough to really matter in such a way that he is sucked in to political affairs all the the time, try this type.
The Pontiffs: The broader, most politically active priesthood. The Pontiffs were keepers of the various rituals and sacrificial processes that were important for various occasions and ceremonies, and are the unwavering backbone of the state religion. Pontiffs are often charged with duties and affairs connected to the state and even the emperor.
The Augurs: Women were often of this role, using their divination to forecast good or ill omens. A character of this type, regardless of patron deity, must pick Knowledge as one of the chosen domains. Augurs are sought after for divination by many roman nobles, and are not always just priests and priestesses. Real dedicated augurs often cross class as Wizard Diviner specialists.
The Vestals: Keepers of the sacred flame, there were alsways six vestal virgins charged with this task, but a larger body of such vestals maintained their priesthood and filled the role sof keepers of the flame. The vestals never really left Vesta, however, except under extraordinary or scandalous circumstances.
Clerics of the Mystery Cults: Priests of Mithrais, the Bacchanals, the Cybelines and Galli (women and men) or Cybele, the cultists of Isis, and Jewish rabbinicals are all other options, as well as more esoteric priests of foreign lands, such as magians of Parthia, Nabaean and Sabataean arab priests, Gaulish druids, and egyptian cultists of the old egyptian gods. All fair game.

Deities by Domains and Alignment:

Jupiter LG Elicius: Air, Water; Lucetius: Fire, Sun; War, Good, Magic, Knowledge, Law
Juno LG Healing, Protection
Quirinius LN Protection, Strength
Mars LN Healing, Plant, Protection, Strength, War
Vesta LG Fire, Sun, Good, Healing
Apollo NG Knowledge, Fire, Magic, Sun, Earth, Healing, Good
Pluto CN Earth, Death, Destruction, Chaos
Vulcan NG Fire, Earth, Magic
Mercury CG Trickery, Air, Luck, Travel
Neptune TN Air, Animal, Water
Bacchus CN Animal, Luck, Chaos, Water, Healing
Herkules LG Strength, Good
Mithrais LG Strength, Good, Healing, War
Cybelle TN Magic, Knowledge, Chaos, Earth, Animal, Plant, Protection, Death,
Dianyssos CG Healing, Good, Protection, Animal
Isis LN Must multi-class with Wizard; Death, Knowledge, Protection, Sun, Healing, War
Ceres NG Animal, Knowledge, Healing, Plant, Water, Air, Earth, Fire
Jehovah LG Good, Healing, Knowledge, Protection