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~*~Anime Forever~*~
Hey There Anime Fans!

Love anime? Well you come to the right place! This site is still under construction but it's still worth the waiting till it's finished right?
Well anyways, this site is a company site wanting to earn some money...

Cute Hello Kitty? It's part of anime as well! It's called Japanese animation, you see the first country that created anime was the Japanese...
Without them we wouldn't be having Hello Kitty, Hamtaro, etc...
There are over a thousand of anime shows that were created by either the English and of course the Japanese!

You may think it's a girl's site but I mean... We tried doing both but that will be later! Thank you for visiting!
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Related Links:
Hello Kitty Home Pages
Learn To Draw Manga!
Hello Kitty Clubs
Anime Pictures:
Hello Kitty
Dragon Ball Z
Sailor Moon
These Pictures are for free, but want more?
The ordering program will be later since this company is new and just started and also with few employees.

So then you can E-mail us at
xanime4evax@hotmail.com for free information about our website and tell us how you think about this company website.
We have another website but it is complicated to put down the website address but it is in AA but it would stand for Asian Avenue if you want to know more about this Asian Avenue then you can go to their website
The company's name in AA (Asian Avenue) is anim34eva, just to let you know.
Do you want to see your horoscope information? Something that can give you an idea or so?
Want Sanrio's pictures of Hello Kitty And Her Friends?
Maybe Sailor Moon Pictures! But mostly people like the male term would like to look to more of their type, nothing that really include of the Girl's Cartoons!
Like Sailor Moon! Some people I know who are even girls doesn't like them but then again I think Sailor Moon is great! Story Line? Nice! The Animation? The Best in Japanese animation!! And the designed characters? It is wonderful. Nothing like DBZ, but it does relate the fighting process and the evil, wicked things that kills, destroys anything that is alive or a structure.

I Hope All Anime Is Good And Great! So there is something that people may like to all anime. But it shouldn't be the same!! It should be filled with action, romance, comedy, and well... THERE'S MORE!
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