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AoV: Liao Romanchik

Alignment = Neutral Good
Race = Human
Class = Monk\Vampire Hunter
Gender = Male
Age = 29
Height = 6' 2"
Weight = 210 lbs
Weapon = Namely uses a wooden staff sharpened at the bottom end with a metal ankh at the top (which has a small bowl on the inside of the top loop so it can be used as a torch). In addition, he carries a razor sharp kodachi so he may behead the vampires. He also carries a variety of herbs and such, as well as a holy book of unknown origins. Liao is also a martial artist, so if he is presented with no other option he will use his hands and feet.

Description and Personality = Liao wears long, brown robes that effectively hide and cover most of his body, and merely wears sandals on his feet. He also wears a golden ankh around his neck. His hair is straight and black, reaching just below his ears when it is not tied back (or shaved off) and eyes are silver and grey, looking as if he is aged beyond his years. He has no identifying marks or scars on his face, but somewhere under his robe he may bear some.

Liao is generally cool and composed, never panicing and stomaching his fear, understanding and knowing well the threat that vampires present. His secluded and long days in his monastery tend to make him the quieter of sorts, letting him work well (sometimes better) alone. However, he will almost never reject companionship unless he does not wish others to get hurt.

History = Liao lived and trained in a distant monastery all of his life. Training in Shaolin Kung-Fu ((which I personally know little about, so bear with me!)), Liao's body can be a deadly weapon. He also tries to uphold what he believes is right, but does not aggressively oppose others (though he may frown upon them). The monestary is where he also gained his immense herbal knowledge and presumeably his holy book.

When he reached 20 he choose to leave the monestary to pursue the growing vampire threat, and has set out to slay the evil that now plagues the world.

Skills =
Skewer - With a swift thrust, Liao will use his staff to impale the vampire and extremely fast and with extreme force. He may also try to use the staff like a spear, hurling it through the air with excellent accuracy.

Brew - Using his herbal powders, Liao can mix special healing drinks (or poisons) among other concoctions. He may also use the herbs to create flammable mixtures (perhaps for a torch or scorching an enemy).

Meditate - Clearing his mind and resting his body, Liao can focus and not only increase his personal energy but also at times use the meditation as a window into the future or seeking answers. However, this is usually just a result of wisdom and logical thinking, though nothing is impossible...

The Art of Shaolin - Liao is a skilled martial artist; humble but almost elite.

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