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Create Golem (Invocation Ritual)

Modified from the Creation by Cheethorne's Design Factory

Spell Description - Create Golem (Invocation Ritual)

Golem Enhancements

All golems can be enhanced from their basic stats, described below. Any such enhancement costs an extra spell casting when creating the golem, but there is no limit to the number of enhancements that can be added to a golem. Unfortunately, no enhancements can be added to an already created golem.

  1. Additional Set of Arms:
    • Description: With this enhancement, the golem gains an additional set of arms and hands and is capable of using them with no problems. These additional arms are just as powerful as the golem's original arms and provide the golem with +1 attack per melee per additional set of arms.
  2. Increase PP Attribute:
    • Description: Increase the PP attribute of the golem by +1.
  3. Increase PS Attribute:
    • Description: Increase the PS attribute of the golem by +1.
  4. Increase S.D.C.:
    • Description: Increase the S.D.C. value of the golem by +15.
  5. Increase Spd Attribute:
    • Description: Increase the Spd attribute of the golem by +1.

Blood Golem

Although made from clay like all of the Golems, after the ritual has ended, the clay will magically transform into blood. The Blood Golem is composed entirely from fresh blood, held together by magic. Stronger and faster than the Flesh Golem, the Blood Golem is avoided by most spell casters, especially those of a good alignment. The only important exception to this are necromancers, who can gain access to creating a Blood Golem at an earlier spell level then normal wizards.

Clay Golem

The clay golem is not as powerful as the stone golem, so by the time a Wizard is powerful enough to use this ritual, they tend to bypass the Clay Golem in order to use the more powerful and more useful Clay Golem. Although not as strong or as tough as the Stone Golem, the Clay Golem still maintains a good balance and is worth its lower cost.

Flesh Golem

Although made from clay like all of the Golems, after the ritual has ended, the clay will magically transform into dead and rotting flesh. The Flesh Golem appears to be similar to a Frankenstein monster with pieces of its body sewn together. While it is the weakest of the Golems, it is still a formidable adversary. Due to its nature, and its smell, most spell casters avoid creating Flesh Golems, but it is a favorite among Necromancers.

Iron Golem

The Iron Golem is the most powerful of the normal constructs. It has the strongest armor and the highest strength, but it also slow and heavy. The iron golem is made entirely of iron and it can be shaped to include weapons, such as axes or swords instead of normal arms, the resulting damage is determined by the type of weapon.

Sand Golem

A Sand Golem is composed of animated dirt and sand. Due to its nature, the Sand Golem has unique abilities that allow it to change its shape and travel around obstacle and through tiny passages. These golems are favored by sorcerers that create complex defense systems that take advantage of the golem's ability to change its shape.

Stone Golem

The stone golem is the standard golem that most sorcerers create. It has a good balance of strength and endurance. Its immunity to small amounts of damage gives it a large advantage in combat, especially against opponents with only small weapons.