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Ninalia Delaria: Apprentice Spellsmith


Ninalia, or Nina, is a Young Archer-Mage who went from farming with her mother; to a Thief overnight in an attempt to save her mother. As a girl, she grew up learning magic from her mother and the bow from her father, though neither of her parents started life as Farmers, they settled in to a happy life style as Farmers. Her father died when she was thirteen, and two years later her mother came down with a nearly untreatable disease.

Ninalia spent the next year searching for a cure for her mother and found it, but she couldn't meet the price. After her failed attempt at stealing it, she was forced in to slavery and bought on Auction by Allester. Though there is no understandable reason behind Allester's change of heart over 'buying slaves', something made him buy her. To this day, she still doesn't know what made him pay so much, since even the most expensive slave never sold for a whole Band (the worlds Currency).

She met her closest friend, Lanel, in Allester's home, and despite a brief attitude problem; agreed to be Allester's slave if he would afford the cure for her mother's ailment. While journeying with Allester, she began learning the Trade of Spell Smiths from him. As well, the journey as Allester's "slave girl" has also caused her to form a loving bond with her "Master", which has developed more and more with each passing day.



Feralin (River Otter)








Apprentice Spell smith


Allester E. Darkflame

Full Name:

Ninalia Delaria


20 Felarin years


5' 3"

Tail Legnth:

3' 2"



Hair Color:

Crimson/Ruby Red

Eye Color:

Sapphire Blue


Rusty Red on back and sides, Cream White underbelly

Battle Skills:

Archery, Close Range Archery, Dagger and Hand-axe combat

Magical Training:

Mid Level Clerical Magics, Advanced Elemental Magic

Misc. Skills:

Cooking, Lock-Picking, Pick-pocketing, Harp and Violin player

Character Flaws:

Quick Temper, A Strange dialect that changes depending on her mood, infatuated with Allester


Viola Great Bow- A six foot Great bow with a Crescent-moon style design and thick grip between them. A strong pair of pulleys on the tips of either crescent-moon create a powerful system on the strings. Designed by Allester using Spell-smith rune magic, this bow can only be drawn by Ninalia and creates 'energy' arrows from the Ether around her. It's Accuracy is perfect, the arrow lands wherever it is aimed.


Archer's Field Gear- A simple blouse and vest combo with a pair of simple skirts. This clothing was made for Ninalia through her mother's hand stitching before she continued on her Journey with Allester. However, Allester has also used his Spell-smith runic magic to enhance the outfits protective nature as well as keeping Nina's body at a perfectly comfortable temperature no matter what climate she's in.

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