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Planet: Eluris


Galaxy: At'ri'nu(A-tree-new)

Planets in Galaxy: 12

Suns in Galaxy: 3(Largest: Ulrun, Middle: Etsetu, Smallest: Reltis)

Description and Information on the planet "ELURIS":

Size: 12,700KM's

Class: M

Atmosphere: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbondioxide

Water %: 67% of the Planet is Water

Land %: 33% of the Planet is Land

Moons Orbiting Eluris: 4(Largest: Elrin, 2Middle: Sur'min[Means- Twin Moons], Smallest: Ukris

Currancey: Money is only used by "Fur's "Human's" "Sylvian's" and "Feathers" use a currency known as "Dul'rin".
The "El'Karin" "Celestial" "Gryphon" and "Fin" clan's all rely on Trade as Currencey.
The "Arison" are the only one's who will gather and horde what ever trinkets they find.

Planetary Interior Descriptions.

Of the 33% land mass only 27% of it is populated by any form of life. The "Sylvian's" "Fur's" "Human's" "Feather's" and "Celestial's" live along the planet surface. The other 6% of land is inhabited by beast of burden, prey animal's and large preditorial creature's that, aside from the Arison or Celestial Dragon's, require large armies to draw down.

The large mass of water is populated solely by the race known as "Fin's" which are aquatic fish and mamal's that move to the sea on occassion to trade prey fish and sea farm wares to the surface dwellers.

The Air however, is dominated by the Arison Clan and their ally's the "Gryphon's". After being run out from their home in the "Sargasi Mountains"(that 6% of land uninhabited) by Erdite and Sylvian army's, they now live in the Celestial Palace that floats in the skies. From this vantage point even the Celestial Dragon's keep clear of the skies.

The El'Karin are the only race rarely seen, living under the Sargasi Mountain range and renovating it for their Master's the Arison Dragon's. With the Arison in the Sky, and the El'karin in the ground, those on the surface tend to stick to their own buissness.

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