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Bamerian is a sport based around Strategically moving your players around a large field. It is similar in nature to chess, that each player wears a certain outfit with a color matching their team’s colors and a set movement for each player's outfit. The difference between Bamerian and Chess, is that this is a full contact sport and more complicated 'fights'.

Instead of just 'taking' a piece, two pieces entering the same square will take on a turn based style fight where, to win the fight and the square, each piece uses a 'Mana Shell' and use Wooden weapons to attack. The game doesn't stop during these fights and other squares can be taken by players during their movement phase. Some squares sometimes contain 'terrain problems'. This is another difference from Chess, Terrain problems are 'mountains', 'lakes', 'rivers', 'mud' and 'open plains' that have different effects on players moving into their area. Some spaces also have 'weather effects'.

Each Team gets 'Deployment points' that allow a team to have a varied amount of players on the field. It also brings up Terrain problems again, certain 'Pieces' can't be placed on certain terrain, or if they can be placed there, it could cost more deployment points, and this often leads to bonuses to pieces stats.

The Pieces

General: The most powerful Piece on the Field, Identified by a Long flowing robe with breast plate and Helm.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:1 Space any direction
----------Terrain Boost:None
----------Special Ability: Commands all Pieces, can move Once even after giving a command to another unit.
----------Cost:0, Required Unit

Commander: Commanders are identified by a full suit of armor without a helm.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:2 Spaces any direction
----------Terrain boost:Open Plains +5 to attack and defense
----------Special Ability:None
----------Cost:5 Deployment Points, Only 1 Commander can be used in a Game

Wall: Wall's are stationary units that use archers to attack and are identified by breast plates with bricks painted on the front.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:Stationary, Can Not Move
----------Terrain boost:Mountains +25 Defense
----------Special Ability:Every 10 turns a wall can 'collapse' on any target enemy nearby to stop all movement and actions for a turn. Requires 2 turns to rebuild the wall, all bonuses from the wall are lost during rebuilding and other pieces may move past the wall so long as another piece is not blocking the other side.
----------Cost:3 Deployment Points

Crossbowman: This unit is capable of attacking units from one square away but at a -5Attack power, they are identified by a breast plate and bow.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:3 Spaces in a straight line.
----------Terrain boost:Forest & Mountains +15 Attack +5 Defense
----------Special Ability:In Rain a Crossbowman can 'hide' from an enemy attack once per game.
----------Cost:2 Deployment Points

Knight: Knight's are unmatched in combat, easily identified by the tower shield and sword they carry.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:2 Space any direction
----------Terrain boost:High Winds don't effect movement, Snow and Water Slow movement to 1 space
----------Special Ability:Once per game, a Knight can make himself invincible for one fight.
----------Cost:4 Deployment Points

Sorcerer: A Sorcerer is capable of attacking a unit one space away in any direction. They are Identified by long flowing robes.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:4 Spaces in a straight line
----------Terrain boost:Any Weather +5Attack and Defense
----------Special Ability:Their attack is based on the element currently effecting the weather. IE: Snowstorm, they would use a fire spell.
----------Cost:2 Deployment Points

Assassin: Assassins are deadly members of the playing field, they are identified by black cloaks on their backs.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:5 Spaces in any direction
----------Terrain boost:Forest, Mountains, and Near 'Wall pieces' Assassin's gain +20 Attack and +15 Defense
----------Special Ability:Once per game, an Assassin can "instantly kill" a piece except Generals & Commanders
----------Cost:6 Deployment Points

Cleric: Cleric's are stationary in the back row only, they have no attack power but have the ability to 'resurrect' fallen pieces after a time. They are identified by white robes on the field.
-----Base Stats:
----------Terrain boost:None
----------Special Ability:Every 10 Turns, a Cleric can Resurrect a Fallen Piece, This ability does NOT stack.
----------Cost:6 Deployment Points

Peasants: Peasants are easy to afford and are a surprisingly strategic unit. They are Identified by their pikes and simply clothing.
-----Base Stats:
----------Movement:2 Spaces Forward and at Forward Angles only
----------Terrain boost:Unable to Pass mountains, -5 defense on Open plains, +50 Defense in Woods
----------Special Ability:Not affected by Terrain or Weather movement limitations
----------Cost:1 Deployment Point

Species Stats:

----------ATTACK: +5
----------DEFENSE: +5
----------MOVEMENT: +1 on open plains
----------HIT POINTS: 100
----------WEAKNESS: None

----------ATTACK: +10
----------DEFENSE: +5
----------MOVEMENT: +2 on Forest and Plains
----------HIT POINTS: 200
----------WEAKNESS: Fire

----------ATTACK: +20
----------DEFENSE: -5
----------MOVEMENT: +2 on all spaces
----------HIT POINTS: 250
----------WEAKNESS: Wind & Fire

----------ATTACK: -5
----------DEFENSE: +20
----------MOVEMENT: +10 in Rain
----------HIT POINTS: 200
----------WEAKNESS: Lightning

----------ATTACK: +30
----------DEFENSE: +5
----------MOVEMENT: +5 on open Plains
----------HIT POINTS: 300
----------WEAKNESS: Fire, Wind, & Lightning

----------ATTACK: +30
----------DEFENSE: -10
----------MOVEMENT: +0
----------HIT POINTS: 500
----------WEAKNESS: Fire & Ice

----------ATTACK: -10
----------DEFENSE: +30
----------MOVEMENT: +1 in all spaces
----------HIT POINTS: 150
----------WEAKNESS: None

----------ATTACK: +50
----------DEFENSE: +10
----------MOVEMENT: -2 on all Spaces
----------HIT POINTS: 250
----------WEAKNESS: All Elements

----------ATTACK: +20
----------DEFENSE: +20
----------MOVEMENT: +0
----------HIT POINTS: 200
----------WEAKNESS: Cost 2 Extra Deployment points

----------ATTACK: +30
----------DEFENSE: +10
----------MOVEMENT: Uneffected by Terrain
----------HIT POINTS: 500
----------WEAKNESS: All Elements

----------ATTACK: +20
----------DEFENSE: +0
----------MOVEMENT: Uneffected by Terrain
----------HIT POINTS: 100
----------WEAKNESS: Air and Lightning Elements


Forrest: Forest Cost a Unit 1 movement point extra to move through, if they have only one movement point left, they can not enter the forest.

Lake: Lake's don't cost movement points to enter, but it does require 2 turns to 'exit' the square.

River: River's cost a Unit 1 movement point extra to move across. If the Unit has only one movement point left, they cannot enter the rivers space.

Mud: Mud cost a Unit 2 movement points, and requires 1 turn within the space to be able to escape it. EXCEPTION: Knights require 2 turns to exit Mud due to their heavy armor.

Mountains: Mountains are only crossable by Assassin's, Crossbowmen, and Commanders at no movement costs, all other units require an extra movement point to move one space.

Open Plains: Open plains are common spaces with no cost or problems to Units.

Weather Effects

Rain: Rain Effects Unit's in the area by costing them 1 movement point. Sorcerers use Lightning spells in this weather effect.

Snow: Snow storms cost units a massive 3 movement points to move through, if they don't have that many points, they must go around the square. Sorcerers in this space use Fire spells.

High Winds: High Winds require 2 Movement points to move through. Sorcerers in this field use Ground Magic. EXCEPTION: Knight's move freely through this storm due to their heavy armor.

Heat Wave: Heat Waves require One movement point to move through. EXCEPTION: Knight's require 2 Movement points to get through this due to their heavy armor. Sorcerers in this area use Ice magic.

Dust Storm:Dust Storms require One movement point to move through. Sorcerers use Wind magic in this area. EXCEPTION: Knight's move freely through this storm due to their heavy armor.

The Rules

Both teams begin the game with 100 Deployment Points to divide how they please amongst their Units to build an army. Since the Home team has the Advantage of Field(They know their teams map), the Visiting team can select either "20 extra Deployment points" or 5 Free turns.

Once the board is set up, the Visiting team always gets the first turn. The General Issues orders using a Keyboard on his/her wrist to issue commands seen on small monitors each player wears in a pair of sun-glasses. This allows all orders to be secretive on what will occur. During the movements, any players of opposing teams entering the same space(In cases of Crossbowmen, Walls and Sorcerer's range) a battle occurs.

During a battle at melee(Same square) both units take single swings and deal damage based on the player’s stats and the addition stats their path grants. If an Attacker has +30Atk and hits his opponent who has +25Def, the defending character takes 5 Damage. However if the same attacker has +30Atk and the Opponent has +35Def, The Attacker takes 5 Damage from a 'counter attack'.

The object of this battle is to capture the Enemy General. To capture the enemy General, you merely have to surround him. Just like chess, the General cannot move into 'check' but can be engaged in combat. If defeated in Combat, the winning teams General receives an extra +10 ATk, +10 DEF, and +100 Hit points for the second round. The entire board is a full 40' X 40' board with each square being 4' on all sides.

CREATED BY~ Allester Elishia Darkflame

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