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"Shimerian Embuka"

(Strategic Combat)

This is an Arison Dragon Tradition. It was started by Lucian Darkrisin, King of the Arison and designed to make his most intelligent Strategist learn to plan their lines better and protect their forts with greater ease. For the past two million years this game has been played by the Arison and hosted by the Darkrisin Family with a small prize for the winner.

The game is simple in rules. Capture the Enemy Base & General with as many soldiers as possible while protecting your own Base & General with Defenders and Blockades.

A Strategic Battle between Strategist of many Culture's, the reigning Champion's are Allester of the Darkflame Family, Arkadian of the Del'verosa Family, and Pakana of the Arison Clans.


SETTING UP UNITS- Each General Starts out with 25 Unit Points. Each Unit cost: Soldier(1), Defender(1), Blockade(2), Destroyer(2).

MOVEMENT- Only Soldier's and Destroyers are able to move. Soldier's Move only in straight lines. Destroyers move in Straight lines and left to right. Each Turn the General has 5 movement points. Meaning, 5 mobile units can move one space, or one mobile unit can move 5 spaces. Or any division of 5 points per. (NOTE: An engagement counts as 1 Movement point, so if you move a Unit 3spaces and become engaged, you loose 4 movement points)

ENGAGEMENT- When A Soldier, Destroyer, Defender or Blockade comes into contact with another Soldier, Destroyer, Defender, or Blockade.

DEFEATED- A Unit is defeated based on what they come into Engagement with.(See Strengths and Weakness') A defeated unit stops in it's tracks and 'blocks' any movement onto their square.

ATTACKS- Attacks occur based on the Unit's coming into contact with each other(Either from the sides, front or back).

WINNING & LOSSING- To win, you must have the MOST Soldiers and Destroyers around your Enemies Base & General. You Loose if your Enemy has more Soldiers and Destroyers around your Base & General.


BASE: A spot on the Battle Field where the General is located
*NONE MOBILE: Once placed, it stays where it is*

DEFENDER: A Unit that remains stationary to 'Engage' oncoming Soldiers and Destroyers.

BLOCKADE: A Unit that is stationary and unable to attack at close range. If an Enemy Destroyer comes in their 2->4square range, the Enemy unit is Engaged imediately and frozen.

SOLDIER: A Unit that moves only in straight lines, they can ATTACK in all directions.

DESTROYER: A Unit that can move in any direction, but can only attack Head on or to the sides.

GENERAL: A Unit that is stationary ontop of the BASE. It attacks in all directions and gives orders to it's Units.


SOLDIER: Soldier's are Weak against Defenders, if they come into contact, the Soldier is stoped and classified as 'Defeated'. However Soldiers are impervious to Blockades.

DESTROYER: Destroyers are Easily defeated by Blockades, but trash Defender's with ease.

BLOCKADE: Easily Defeats a Destroyer, but is unable to prevent Soldier's from moving past.

DEFENDER: Defenders cut through Soldiers with devistating ease, but Destroyers rip apart Defenders.

GENERAL: Strong against all Units, you Must out number Him/Her to defeat this Unit.

CREATED BY~ Allester Elishia Darkflame

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