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Shadow Phox Al'rines


Shadow was born after his older brothers, Coner and Alin Al'rines. This Dark phoenix child was meant to guard the 5th gate of Neflihame, given the ability to use magics long since forgotten about by the mortals of the living realm. His sole purpose was to be a drone, keeping the damned souls that abused children in life, behind the 5th gate.

With his strong magic spells, many of those souls remained in check, falling back at the mere sight of Shadow. This young Phoenix is cursed in a way, unable to age beyond ten years old in Physical and Mental senses. This creates a very curious young boy, highly intelligent and skilled with many things in the world, he falls short in other aspects... mostly in females and the ways of the world.

While in Neflihame, Shadow does his job rather well, he is one of two Guardians that takes orders and completes them without question, however when faced with one of the Ancient's, Shadow's demeanor changes to that of a child instead of a Guard. His curiosity will often result in irritation of the Ancient's but they all know it's their own fault for cursing him to remain young. This hasn't stopped them from having a few laughs at his expense however.

He is often sent to the Mortal worlds to collect souls with the Tree of Death known as "Asaritul" (Ah-sAh-re-tool). Because of his nature, the Tree's sentient mind bonded with Shadow, and the two are often happy together when working for the Ancient's collection. Shadow's worst fear is known solely to himself and his mother, Needle, but this knowledge also serves as a dual-edged sword since he is often put right in the middle of his greatest fear by the Ancients.

Personality wise, he is playful, frisky, and energetic. Full of questions about the Mortal realm as well as Avalon; since he is not allowed beyond the gates of Avalon. He's a dreamer at heart, and is rather trusting of most anyone who is nice to him, but many who try and take advantage of this have found themselves staring at the razor sharp teeth of his big Brother, Sirun; the Astral Dragon.



Dark Phoenix







Full Name:

Shadow Phox Al'rines


10years old in body and mind(True age is unknown)


4foot 2inches


~None, he's a spirit~

Hair Color:


Eye Color:



Jet Black

Battle Skills:

Basic Staff strikes

Magical Training:

Knowledge of All forms of Magic

Misc. Skills:

Ability to summon the Gates of Neflihame, Soul Collection

Character Flaws:

Childish, Nieve, Jeliousy of Alin & Coner


Phoenix Staff- A staff made from pure Onyx and Zillion steel blend on the staff pole. The head of the staff is a brilliant gold phoenix spreading it's wings out with a ring of gold encircling the phoenix with a sharp edge. It's primary function is to actually enhance it's wielders magical power.


Guardian's Garb- A vest and slacks combo shaded red like blood but nothing more then a dye. It's function is a protective layer for the young phoenix wearing it.

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